  • 學位論文


A Study of Customer Oriented New Product Development Quality Management System - Case Study of Taiwan Digital Television Industry

指導教授 : 楊維楨 潘玉葉


本論文主要在探討客戶導向(Customer Oriented)與新產品開發(New Product Development)階段之品質管理(Quality Management)系統間之關係。新產品與設計的目標,可能多少因情況不同而有所差異,然而其整體目標乃在於滿足客戶,以獲取合理的利潤。 台灣不論是政府或是民間的企業都以國內的研發能力與製造技術而自豪,但是當談到品牌時客戶需求才是最重要的核心價值,許多企業以身為全球Own Designing & Manufacturing (ODM)/ Original Equipment Manufactures (OEM)代工龍頭自豪不已時,但是所獲得的利潤是產品週期中利潤最少的一段。當歐美產品以高價值的品牌形象獲取高額利潤時,國內有多少企業主有認真思考過這中間的差異。國內許多從事新產品開發的人員都以為本身設計的產品符合市場客戶的需求,而所謂的客戶其實是各大品牌擁有者(Brand Owner),所有的產品規格也都來自於這些公司,並非真正的產品使用者,這個問題鮮少有人去探討並瞭解這些大廠如何瞭解客戶需求。台灣廠商擁有世界一流的研發製造管理能力,如何瞭解客戶需求並與新產品開發品管系統相結合,進而提高產品設計品質,以商品力去提昇品牌的價值,並製造出市場真正需要的商品是本論文想探討的議題。 台灣數位電視產業正方興未艾,是繼半導體產業後之產業革命之主力產品,因此本論文擬以台灣數位產業作為個案分析,藉由文獻探討、個案公司之公開資訊與個案訪談資料,萃取出個案公司數位電視產業之品質衡量指標,以探討個案公司在新產品之品質管理內涵,並做比較分析其在數位電視產業之顧客滿意度之關連性。期望經由本論文之探討分析結果與建議,提供企業之於品質管理有更深一層之認識及參考。


This thesis is probing into customer oriented and new product development qualitative management at stage relation among the systems. New product and goal that design, what be different to some extent because situations are different perhaps, but its whole goal is to lie in satisfying the customer, in order to obtain the reasonable profit. No matter the government or folk enterprises are proud of research and development ability and manufacturing technology at home in Taiwan, but customer's demand is the most important key value when mentioning brands, when a lot of enterprises regard body as global Own Designing & Manufacturing (ODM)/ Original Equipment Manufactures(OEM) and take the place of worker's tap and is proud of endlessly, but the profit obtained is the least one section profit in cycle of products. While obtaining the great amount of profit in the American-European products with the brand image of high value, how many enterprises mainly ponder deeply the difference in the middle of this at home. Demand that the products designed by it accorded with the market customer that a lot of domestic personnel engaged in new product development all thought, and the so-called customer is actually every big brand owner. All product specifications come from these companies too, real products user, the question fresh little someone is it probe into and understand big factory these how about understand customer's demand to go. Taiwan manufacturer have world-class research and development make managerial ability, how understand customer demand and in charge of system combine together with new product development product, and then improve product design quality, promote the value of the brand with the strength of the goods, it is topics that a thesis wants to probe into to produce the goods that the market really needs. The industry of Taiwan Digital TVs is in the ascendant, is the main products of the industrial revolution following industry of the semiconductor, so copies of thesis is it analyses with Taiwan Digital TV industry as case probe into by document, open message and case interview materials, case of company to plan, is it happen Digital TV quality of industry, company of case, weigh indicator, in order to probe into case company in new qualitative control intension of product to extract, make comparative analysis it close of connecting with in several TV customer satisfaction of industry. Is it via discussion analysis result and suggestion of thesis this, offer to have deep layer of understanding and references on qualitative control enterprise to expect.


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張永興(2010)。新產品開發品質管理之一研究 以B公司電容式多點觸控鍍膜面板為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2010.00743
