  • 學位論文


Co-opetive Behavioral Analysis of Chinese Employees and Taiwanese Businessmen – Based on Game Theory

指導教授 : 李培齊


本研究的主要內容是利用賽局理論的觀點來探討、分析與解釋台灣商人與大陸員工的商業相處模式。由於二岸人民的商業關係越來越緊密與接觸越來越頻繁,台灣商人與大陸員工的合作模式有被探討的必要。 本研究採取研究設計來收集資料與測試下列的假設: 1. 如果台灣商人可以說當地方言,或著會寫簡體中文,他們將可以獲得更多信任,並且可以得到大陸員工的配合與更好的結果。 2. 如果台灣商人的薪酬與大陸員工相比被認為是『公平』的,他們將可以獲得更多信任,並且可以得到大陸員工的配合與更好的結果。 3. 如果台灣商人把配偶與家人都帶到中國並且適應良好,他們將可以獲得更多信任,並且可以得到大陸員工的配合與更好的結果。 研究採用實驗設計之方法來探討問題,並且以單因子變異數分析來分析資料。研究結論支持假設一與三。這些研究結果對實務與研究的意涵,於本文中加以探討。 本研究共五章,第一章說明研究動機與目的;第二章為賽局理論介紹與文獻探討,首先說明賽局理論的演進,次就影響賽局理論之因素等作中外文獻探討; 第三章介紹研究方法,定義本研究之研究方法與資料蒐集之模式。第四章為資料分析,藉由假設之建立,發展出各種研究結果,並加以分析與解釋。第五章彙總本研究之結論,並說明研究限制及對後續研究之建議,以及對台商之建議。


台商 賽局理論 搏奕論 信任 外派人員


The purpose of this thesis is to apply game theory in trying to explore, analyze, and provide explanations for the interaction between Taiwanese businessmen and Chinese employees. Due to increasing contact, people in Taiwan and China have often been brought together to complete a common task. Therefore, it is essential to find a better way to work together for Taiwanese businessmen and Chinese employees in a business setting. Experimental design was used as the research methodology to collect the data, and the following hypotheses were tested: 1. If Taiwanese businessmen use the same dialect and the Simplified Chinese in their business dealings, they will earn more trust from their Chinese counterparts and be able to achieve better results with them. 2. If the compensation of Taiwanese businessmen is perceived as “equitable” compared to Chinese employees, they will earn more trust from their Chinese counterparts and be able to achieve better results with them. 3. If the Taiwanese businessmen’ spouse and family come along with them to work in China and are able to adjust and adapt, they will earn more trust from their Chinese counterparts and be able to achieve better results with them. One-way ANOVA was employed to analyze the data. The results support hypotheses 1 and 3. This implies that the expatriate should know the local dialect and written language, and that they should bring their family along with them. This should provide better results in the cooperation between the expatriates and the local employees. The research limitations, implications for future research and business practices are discussed.


Taiwanese expatriates game theory trust


Chinese Bibliography
5. 許評錀 (2000)。大陸台商信任關係與控制型態之研究。元智大學管理研究所碩士論文,28頁。
English Bibliography
1. Alexander, C.S., and H.J. Becker (1978). The Use of Vignettes in Survey Research, Public Opinion Quarterly, 42, 93-104.
2. Anderson, Erin, and Barton Weitz (1989). Determinants of Continuity in Conventional Industrial Channel Dyads. Marketing Science, 8(4), 310-323.


