  • 學位論文

淡水河口藝遊網計畫之分析 - 以Landry創意城市分析架構為例

An Analysis of Tamsui's Art, Tourism and Network Plan Based on Landry's Creative City Framework

指導教授 : 洪美仁


「創意城市」概念的提出,是為了啟發關於城市之思考、規劃與發揮創意,其核心價值在於啟迪城市找到自身的發展潛能,然後結合當地文化資源及地方特色,藉以提高城市的競爭力。而城市創意程度依賴大眾對創意的熱情,創意才得以茁壯延續;文化環境則是大眾對創意的熱情的一個重要催化劑。 本研究目的在於了解創意城市之意涵,並檢視實際個案之要件以助於我國日後對於創意城市之研究。本文以「淡水河口藝遊網計畫」為個案,透過利害關係人之深度訪談取得第一手資料,並以Charles Landry之創意城市概念進行分析。具體的研究問題為: (一)淡水河口藝遊網旗艦計畫在淡水地區的實施情形為何? (二)淡水河口藝遊網旗艦計畫如何與創意城市理念相結合?創意城市的概念運用在該計畫上有何符合的地方、有何需要改進的地方? 研究結果發現,該計畫之負面評價多於正面評價,負面評價包含領導者缺乏願景、組織僵化、各單位缺乏共識與網絡等,正面評價則有當地人才與歷史豐富、積極的參與者大多具有決心與創新能力等,這表示了淡水地區雖然具備在創意城市之潛力,但在發展上仍有相當大的進步空間,往後的相關研究亦相當值得探討。


The concept of “Creative City” is to enlight the thinking, planning, and developing of creativity. The core value of this concept is to inspire the talent of city, and combine the local cultural resources and specialty, by doing so the competitive power of the city would be promoted. The growth of creative city depends on passion from the public, and also the cultural environment plays an important role for the public to have passion toward the creativity. This research is to realize the meaning of the creative city, and view over the existence case to make some effort toward the research of creative city in the future. This research include one case which is called “Tamsui's Art, Tourism and Network Plan ”, by interviewing stakeholders to get the latest information, and analyze the concept which is brought up by Charles Landry. Concrete research question is: 1. How is the “Tamsui's Art, Tourism and Network Plan ” being done in Tamsui area? 2. How to connect “Tamsui's Art, Tourism and Network Plan” with the concept of creative city? What conform to the concept of creative city and what need to be improved?As a result, the negative comments are more than positive comments in this plan. Negative comments include the leader who is lack of future plan, the tough organization, and no common sense and contact net within every unit. Positive comments include the plentiful history and human resource and the participant holds determination and innovation. These represent that despite of Tamsui area has the talent to develop as a creative city, there’s still a big space to improve.


