  • 學位論文


A Study to Promote Problem-Solving Ability for Junior High School Students through Incorporating WebQuest into Geographical Thematic Integrated Curriculum

指導教授 : 鄭宜佳


本研究主要探討運用傳統教學結合WebQuest融入地理主題統整課程之教學策略,對於國中生問題解決能力的影響。本研究為準實驗研究之不等組前後測設計,以臺北市某完全中學國中部七年級二個班級共66位學生為研究對象。研究對象隨機分成實驗組與對照組,對照組接受傳統教學,實驗組則接受傳統教學結合WebQuest融入地理主題統整課程。實驗教學前,兩組學生先接受新編問題解決測驗前測;實驗結束後,再對兩組學生施以新編問題解決測驗後測,另針對實驗組學生施以WebQuest學習調查問卷,以了解其對於課程網頁的看法、學習困難與解決策略、學習成果及學習感受。研究結論如下: 一、 WebQuest融入地理主題統整課程可提升問題解決能力 (一) 經實驗處理,實驗組學生各項測驗平均分數顯著增加;而對照組學生則無顯著之改善。 (二) 經實驗處理,實驗組在「界定原因」、「預防問題」、「變通性」、「有效性」及「總分」的平均分數顯著優於對照組,在「解決方法」的平均分數則與對照組無顯著差異。 二、 學生較不喜歡傳統教學結合WebQuest融入地理主題統整課程的學習方式,但肯定它的價值 (一) 課程網頁能發揮引導與支持學生進行問題解決學習的功能。 (二) 學生在學習過程中嘗試以各種方式主動解決問題。 (三) 學生的電腦相關技能有所提升。 (四) 多數學生對於傳統教學結合WebQuest融入地理主題統整課程的學習方式未抱持正向看法。 (五) 大部分學生對小組的合作氣氛以及本身參與實驗課程的整體表現感到較不滿意。 最後依據上述研究結論,提出課程教學及未來研究建議,以做為未來實施或相關研究之參考。


This study mainly aims to explore the effect of the teaching strategies of combining traditional teaching with geographic theme curriculum integrated with WebQuest on problem-solving ability of junior high school students. This study is the quasi-experimental study with the pretest and posttest of the ranging group and took 66 students from two classes of the seventh grade of junior part in a high school in Taipei as the research subjects. The subjects were randomly divided into experimental group and control group, the latter of which accepted traditional teaching and the former of which accepted traditional teaching combined with geographic theme curriculum integrated with WebQuest. Before teaching experiment, two groups of students first accepted the pretest of new problem-solving test; after the experiment, these students accepted the posttest of new problem-solving test; experimental group students were given WebQuest study questionnaire to understand their views on course website, learning difficulties and solving strategies, learning outcomes and learning experience. Conclusions are as follows: I. Geographic theme curriculum integrated WebQuest can improve problem-solving skills. 1. Through experimental treatment, the average score of students of experimental group for each test increased significantly; while students of control group had no significant improvement. 2. Through experimental treatment, the average score of experimental group in “defined reasons”, “preventing problems”, “flexibility”, “effectiveness" and “total score” was significantly better than that of control group, but the average score in “solution” had no significant difference with that of control group. II. Students dislike the learning way of combining traditional teaching with geographic theme curriculum integrated with WebQuest but affirm its value. 1. Course site can perform the function of guiding and supporting students to learn problem-solving capabilities. 2. Students took the initiative to try to solve the problem in various ways in the learning process. 3. Students’ computer-related skills were improved. 4. Most students did not hold a positive view on the learning way of combining traditional teaching with geographic theme curriculum integrated with WebQuest. 5. Most students felt more dissatisfied with the cooperation atmosphere of the team and the overall performance by participation in experimental curriculum. Finally, course teaching and future research advice are proposed according to the study conclusions as a reference for future implementation or related research.


