  • 學位論文


When the End of the World Comes - A Study of Contemporary(1996-2011) Hollywood Apocalyptic Disaster Films

指導教授 : 楊明昱


類型電影為好萊塢通俗文化電影的分類方式,類型研究則探討了在電影層面上有關社會面向的諸多意涵,類型是觀影者觀賞電影的經驗化系統,是電影產製者必須遵循的符碼與深層結構,類型電影更是瓦解社會衝突、創造社會議題的驅力,好萊塢類型電影在社會論述的產製上無疑有重要的影響性存在。而末日災難類型電影則是近代社會歷經千禧年危機、2012馬雅末日預言所產製出的種種社會論述之電影回饋,電影再現了當代社會論述的想像,並以商品的方式進行販賣。   本研究以近代知名的六部末日災難電影做為研究文本,分別為《ID4 星際終結者》、《彗星撞地球》、《破天荒》、《2012》、《末日預言》及《全境擴散》。三、四章分別以不同的論述觀點做分析。本研究之研究結果即顯示,好萊塢當代末日災難電影的出現乃在於整體社會的憂鬱程度增加,都市人過大的壓力呈現出難以自拔的避世情節以及當代社會面臨轉型的陣痛之反映,加上美國在千禧年之後經歷911事件、阿富汗戰爭、伊拉克戰爭、經濟大海嘯等重大事件後,政經局勢顯得疲軟不堪,導致好萊塢在電影的敘事產製上趨向保守,並常以世界末日做為賣座題材。


好萊塢 類型 末日災難片


“Genre” is a Hollywood popular culture film classification system. Genre research discuss social signification in the worldwide, which means the audience experience system, and the film producer must follow the movie symbol and the deep potential structure.The film genre is a drive that can collapse the social conflict. And wake up the social agenda. Apocalypse disaster cinema genre in the world is novel and popular, which was the contemporary social worldwide to go through the “Millennium”and the “Maya prophecy”of 2012. The social event create many social discourse in global village, and the Hollywood producer reaction the truth and prophecy in the film. Contemporary apocalypse disaster film represents the social discourse images. The study use six Hollywood contemporary apocalypse disaster films to answer the questions. The six main analyse films text are “Independence Day”, “Deep Impact”, “The Happening”, “2012”, “Knowing” and “Contagion”. In charpter three and four have different ideology point of view to analyze. The study reveals the main point that Hollywood contemporary disaster film genre represents the doom of contemporary atmosphere. Human lived in big city was unhappy and wants to escape the true world and the film reflect the transformation of pain in the contemporary society. On the other hand, the United State of America went through the 911 event, Afghan war, Iraq war and economic recession after millennium. So America lost political and economic power by degree, which leads social atmosphere to turn to conservatism. The film producer use the end of the world to do the film narratives and stories and become blockbuster.


Hollywood Genre Apocalypse Disaster Film


