  • 學位論文


Analyzing the Asia-Europe Meeting through the Theory of Complex Interdependence (1996-2010)

指導教授 : 卓忠宏


隨著第二次世界大戰的結束及蘇聯共產主義的瓦解,改變了世界整個局勢,許多歐洲及美國的前殖民地國家紛紛獨立,雖然殖民地獨立後大部分國家仍與前殖民國保持著密切的關係;但過去冷戰時期的兩極體系逐漸朝向多元發展,國與國之間政治與經濟互動的範圍不再只侷限在鄰國與前殖民國,因此,國與國的邊界越來越模糊,互相影響著彼此。   目前所有的區域組織當中,以歐洲聯盟的整合層次最高,27個會員國可以享受歐盟四大自由流通所帶來的便捷與好處,不論人力、物資及勞務隨時可在會員國間快速通關,政策的協調與制定也呈現高度的制度化與一致性,連象徵國家主權的貨幣也逐步統一為歐元;亞洲部分因過去歷史及文化的背景差異造成區域間的歧異度大,呈現多元分歧現象造成整合困難,礙於歷史及其他政治及文化因素,缺乏一個強而有力的主導國去進行區域的整合,相較於其他地區,目前整合的腳步最慢。 亞歐關係方面,亞歐會議的成立絕對不是憑空而生,它順應歷史的變遷與國際體系不斷的改變所發展出來,由於國際間行為者的一舉一動都可能牽動整個國際與區域體系,呈現一種特殊關係,正如Joseph S. Nye 與 Robert O. Keohane針對複合式互賴所提出的敏感與脆弱關係,使國際局勢變得更加複雜,也間接促成了跨區域組織與論壇的成立。亞歐會議是目前亞歐雙方在亞歐關係上針對政治、經濟、環境及文化等議題進行對話的論壇,在建立雙邊友好關係的基礎上針對不同的議題進行意見與資源上的交換,其成立目的在於強調相互尊重、平等、促進基本權利和依據國際法的規定及義務,以間接的方式,不採取直接干涉內政的原則之基礎上進行會議,希望建立起亞歐雙方全面的夥伴關係,加強雙方的對話、了解與合作,為經濟和社會發展創造有利的條件,維護世界及區域之間的和平與穩定,因此,本研究透過複合式互賴理論探討亞歐會議的形成與發展及亞歐雙方互動過程策略,並探討亞歐會議對亞歐雙方的意義及貢獻。


With the end of World War II and the collapse of Soviet Communism, the world system changed, many former colonies of Europe and the United States became independent, although the former colonies were already independent, most still had strong ties with their former colonial masters; the previous bipolar system, however gradually shifted toward pluralism, political and economic interaction between countries was no longer limited to that with former colonial powers and neighboring countries, which in turn blurred the boundaries between countries, and changed the way in which they interacted with each other. As Joseph S. Nye and Robert O. Keohane mentioned, the complex interdependence between sensitivity and vulnerability make international situations become more complex, it also indirectly contributed to the establishment of inter-regional organizations and forums. ASEM is the political, economic, environmental and cultural forum for Asia and Europe which enables dialogue on issues and the establishment of bilateral friendly relations based on similar views on different topics and the exchange of resources, and its purpose is to emphasize the establishment of mutual respect, equality, as well as the promotion of fundamental rights . ASEM does not take the principle of direct interference in internal affairs in an indirect way, on the basis of the meeting, they hope to establish a comprehensive partnership between Asia and Europe to strengthen mutual dialogue, understanding and cooperation in terms of economic and social development as well as creating favorable conditions which safeguard global and regional peace and stability. Therefore, this research through the theory of Complex Interdependence analyzes the development of ASEM and the strategic interaction between Asia and Europe to explore the significance and contribution of ASEM.


