  • 學位論文


Handheld augmented reality games continued to use factor analysis-a case study of ingress

指導教授 : 吳錦波


科技日新月異造就行動載具發達與普及化,透過這些行動載具結合GPS發展出的擴增實境遊戲是不同於一般APP遊戲,也是未來遊戲創新的趨勢。 本研究之主要目的在於探索擴增實境遊戲ingress玩家持續使用因素,以科技接受模型為基礎建構一個多目標模型,透過擴增實境的定義、特性與相關文獻探討,歸納出影響玩家相關因素與行為意圖之關係,使應用在擴增實境APP遊戲的情境上更臻完整。研究對象設定為台灣 ingress玩家,透過網路問卷的方式來蒐集資料,總計回收371份問卷,其中有效問卷為291份,分析過程採用SmartPLS結構方程模型協助進行資料分析,以檢驗本研究模型與相關假說。 本研究結果顯示擴增實境遊戲玩家態度影響持續使用;玩家知覺有用與娛樂價值對使用態度皆存在正向關係。另外,知覺易用與知覺有用之間並無顯著關係存在;逃避現實對娛樂價值與知覺有用並無顯著關係存在。然而,經濟價值與視覺吸引對娛樂價值與認知有用存在顯著關係。本研究結果可提供廠商在開發擴增實境在手持裝置APP遊戲的參考依據。


行動載具 擴增實境 APP


Technological advances make mobile devices well-developed and popular. The incorporation of mobile devices with GPS to develop augmented reality game is different from the general APP games. It is the trend of the future game with innovation. The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that players continue to play augmented reality game, named “Ingress.” Through the reconceptualization of augmented reality from previous research, the technology acceptance model is selected as a basis for a multi-purpose model and then empirically test the model. The model summarizes factors may affect the players behavioral intentions of continuing to play augmented reality APP game. This will help to better understand the players in playing augmented reality APP game. The research subjects are Taiwanese ingress players. Using online survey, a total of 371 questionnaires are collected, of which 291 are valid. The collected data are analyzed by using structural equation modeling to test the related research hypotheses. The results of this study show the attitude towards augmented reality game affect the player’s continue to use, and the player’s perceived usefulness and entertainment value affect the player’s attitude. In addition, there is no significant relationship exists between perceived ease of use and usefulness. And escapism does not affect the entertainment value and perceived usefulness. However, both the economic value and visual attractiveness exist positive relationships with the entertainment value and perceived usefulness. The results of this study can provide references for manufacturers in the development of augmented reality APP game in mobile device.


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