  • 學位論文

台灣高雄地區珠寶銀樓業經營策略之分析 -以G銀樓為例

The Study of Jewelry Store Business Strategy in Kaohsiung Taiwan -A Case of G Jewelry Store

指導教授 : 林江峰
共同指導教授 : 賴錦璋(Chin-Chang Lai)


珠寶銀樓業在台灣已具有非常深遠之歷史,產業之發展亦十分成熟,台灣之民眾也對於黃金、黃金飾品有高度的喜愛程度。傳統珠寶銀樓業係具有獨佔性競爭之特性的市場,因此市場之競爭激烈程度相較於獨占或寡占市場來得高出許多。 本研究係以特定個案公司-高雄地區之傳統珠寶銀樓進行分析研究,以廠商理論作為研究之基礎框架,探討高雄地區傳統銀樓產業之特定個案公司對於三大環境面:外部產業環境、內部產業環境、總體環境之表現,了解在競爭變化激烈之產業環境中個案公司該如何維持競爭優勢,發展最適之競爭策略,並根據專家業者訪談之結果,對個案公司提出未來發展方向之建議,使個案公司得以永續經營。 本研究將利用使命陳述、五力分析模型、麥卡錫7S模型、PESTEL模型針對個案公司之內部環境與外部環境的評估分析以及專家業者訪談之整理,得出以下之結論: 1. 現階段策略:持續擴大黃金飾品質與量,利用越來越大之經營規模,增加市占率;穩健經營,不做高風險策略,使個案公司之品牌可以長久經營,成為百年企業;把握新住民,重視中國以及東南亞等地移民之喜好,拓展該族群市場之市占率。 2. 未來發展建議:短期以鞏固原有客源為主,並另用成立官方網站等網路行銷方式,建立品牌知名度;中期拓展電子商務市場,並利用銀飾、鋼飾等較低價之商品,培養客源,待成熟後引進高單價珠寶翡翠等稀有商品,吸引高消費客群;長期待可使用資金充沛,選擇轉型成金飾進口商或成立連鎖體系,建立金飾品牌。


jewelry industry in Taiwan has a great history, and the development of jewelry industrial is also very mature. Jewelry industry has a characteristic of monopolistic competition market, so the competition in this market is much higher than monopoly market and oligopoly market. The study focuses on the specific case company--traditional jewelry store in Kaohsiung area, using Theory of the Firm as research of based framework, discussing Kaohsiung area jewelry industry of specific case company for three environment surface: external industry environment, and internal industry environment, and general environment of performance, understanding that in competition changes fierce of industry environment, the case company how to maintain competition advantage, development most suitable competition strategy. And according to the results of experts interview, propose recommends future about development direction of the case company, make the company sustainable development. The study will use the mission statement, the five forces model, Mckinsey 7S model, PESTEL model analysis the internal and external experts environmental for company and consolidation of the industry interviews, reached the following conclusions: 1. Current strategy: Continue to expand the quality and quantity of gold accessories, take advantage of the growing business and increase market share. Sustainable development by running the store stably and steady. New residents, Chinese and Southeast Asian immigrants, expand the market share of new residents. 2. Recommendations for future development: Short-term: consolidate the existing tourist-oriented and established the official website in Internet, and build brand awareness. Medium-term: expand e-market, and use lower prices merchandise such as silver and steel, attracting customers, after that using scarce commodities such as high price jewels at maturity to attract upscale customers. Long-term: while the funds sufficient, select to transform the gold accessories importers or to establishing gold jewelry brand.


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