  • 學位論文


The Effects of Applying Interactive Panorama Based Virtual Reality for Library Instruction Program to Patrons’ Spatial Learning and Presence

指導教授 : 張玄菩


本研究的目的在於製作以全景圖為基礎的虛擬實境教材,輔助學習者對圖書館的空間認知學習,並能進一步探討採用沉浸式與桌上型兩種類型之虛擬實境設備,對學習者的學習成效及臨場感的影響。使用問卷調查尋找與篩選受試者,最終研究對象總計14位,男性6位、女性8位,將隨機分組,實驗組將使用沉浸式VR設備;控制組將使用桌上型VR設備。過程中將後測問卷與臨場感問卷作為數據的樣本,使用獨立樣本t檢定進行分析。另外,為了判斷空間認知學習成效與臨場感之間的相關性,採用Pearson積差相關分析,同時透過後測問卷了解學習者對本教材的看法。 研究結果顯示,沉浸式VR的學習成效顯著高於桌上型VR,根據研究者觀察使用沉浸式VR設備,受試者比較認真觀察虛擬空間,導致有效果、效率提升受試者的空間認知學習成效。但是在臨場感中,沉浸式VR教學與桌上型VR教學並無顯著差異,經過觀察發現臨場感為主觀感受因人而異,也有機會是因為受試者人數少,數據分析差異太小,導致無顯著差異。 依據本研究結果,分為兩個面向提出建議,第一個面向為圖書館提供建議,可以結合圖書館現有的大地遊戲,激起學生的興趣,達到更好的學習體驗。第二個面向為未來研究提供相關建議,(一)使用更專業的軟體與設備;(二)嵌入更多的多媒體資源;(三)可以與圖書館合作,擴大受試者數量。


The purpose of this study is to create virtual reality educational material based on panoramas, assisting learners in spatial learning of library instruction program, and to explore the use of immersive and desktop types devices for the impact of learning outcomes and presence. Using questionnaires to find participants that had 14 participants, 6 males and 8 females, being randomly grouped, the experimental group used immersive VR devices; the control group used desktop VR devices.The post-test questionnaire and the presence questionnaire used as samples of the data, and analyzed by Independent-Sample t test. In order to know the relation between the spatial cognitive learning and the presence, using Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient. The results show that the spatial learning outcomes of immersive VR devices is significantly higher than the desktop VR devices. According to the researcher's observation, the participants using immersive VR carefully observed the virtual space, resulting in effective and efficient improved their spatial learning outcomes. However, in the sense of presence, there is no significant difference between immersive VR devices and desktop VR devices. It has observed that the presence is personal feelings different from person to person, or due to the number of participants is too small to resulting in no significant difference. Based on the results of this study, it is divided into two aspects. The first one is to provide suggestions for the library. It can be combined with the existing library instruction program to promote students' interest and achieve a better learning experience. The second one is to provide relevant suggestions for future research:(1) Using more professional software and equipment. (2) Embedded more multimedia resources. (3) Cooperating with libraries to increase participants.


Google Arts & Culture(2019)。國立故宮博物院 虛擬實境全景導覽。檢索自: https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/national-palace-museum-taiwan?hl=zh-tw
奇美博物館(2019)。720°虛擬實境導覽。檢索自: https://goo.gl/64ZUAD
