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Diseases Survey and Integrated Control of Diseases on Forcing Culture on Wax-Apple Fruit Trees


高屏地區蓮霧產期調節發生之病害經三年調查結果發現,主要有七種,其病害種類及發生期分別為炭疽病(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides),於每年1-3月及9-12月間之期間發病;果實疫病(Phytophthora palmivora)主要發生於每年1-3月及10-12月間;黑腐病(Botryodiplodia theobromae)發生於3月及11-12月間;果腐病(Pestalotiopsis euginae)發生在1-3月間及9-11月間;藻斑病(Cephaleuros virescens)則發生於7-9月間及11月至翌年1月間;煤煙病(Capnodium sp)發生於1-2月及10-12月間;黴腐病(Rhizopus stolonifer)則發生在11月至翌年3月期間。田間藥劑試驗結果顯示23%亞托敏3,000倍、43%嘉賜貝芬1,000倍和53%腐絕快得寧1,200倍三種藥劑對炭疽病有極為顯著之防治效果;且無藥害出現,而80%福賽得和快得寧混合劑1,200倍、27.12%三元硫酸銅800倍以及43.5% Kasunolate 1,500倍對疫病也有極為顯著之防治效果且無藥害出現;而53%腐絕快得寧1,200倍、23.7%依普同1,000倍、25%普克利1,000倍以及18.6%賽福寧1,000倍則對黑腐病有極佳之防治效果,與對照組相較;亦具有極顯著之差異,且無藥害出現。應用綜合防治,於幼果施藥後,再利用套袋與乾燥劑進行保護,可減少病害率達90%以上。


蓮霧 病害 綜合防治


Wax-apple (Syzygium samarangese Marr. et Perry) is an economically important fruit tree in southern part of Taiwan, a total planted, area is about 8,636 ha. And a total fruit production is about 105,005 tons per year. During the last several years, farmers have developed a wonderful culture technigue called forcing culture. By using this kind of practise, not only the fruit yield increase and also show best fruit quality. This study has been conducted during the last three years in order to know the disease occurrence of wax-apple under the so-called forcing culture practice and control measures were tested under field conditions. Results indicated that seven major diseases have been found, i. e. anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporiodies), black rot (Botryodiplodia theobromae), Phytophthora fruit rot(Phytophthora palmivora), fruit rot(Pestalotiopsis euginae), algal spot(Cephaleuros virescens), sooty mold (Capnodium sp.), and soft rot (Rhizopus stolonifer)(see table1). Fungicidal spray in field conditions showed effective control(see table 3-5). An integrated control measure is suggested that one application of fungicidal spray during young fruit stage followed by bagging with silica gel showed 90% effective against diseases.


Wax-apple Diseases Integrated control
