  • 期刊


Case Report: Canine Pyometra Resulting from Inadequate Contraception Surgery


一隻11公斤,5歲的混種母犬,曾於7月齡時做過手術摘除部分子宮。因腹部顯著膨大,有血樣分泌物自陰道排出,被送至國立中興大學附設獸醫教學醫院就診。血液相呈現白血球增多,以嗜中性球及嗜酸性球增多為主,血小板減少。血清中肌氨酸磷酸活酵素及葡萄糖增多,總蛋白質量減少。陰道抹片可見嗜中性白血球和紅血球,陰道上皮細胞為大型中間細胞。超音波檢查可見左右側子宮角顯著擴張內含低回音反射物質影像。經卵巢子宮摘除,取出左側子宮角為16 × 9 cm,含20 mL內容物;右側子宮角為18 × 6 cm,含180 mL內容物,子宮內膜有充血和鬱血情形。子宮內容物呈混濁紅複色,內容物以塗抹片染色鏡檢,可見多量嗜中性球和少量淋巴球,未發現細菌團塊;以血液培養基進行好氣和厭氧培養,無菌落生長。左測卵巢有4個黃體,右側卵巢有3個黃體,左右側卵巢皆無明顯的濾泡。組織病理學檢查可見卵巢有黃體存在,無成熟的濾泡,有充血、鬱血情形和慢性炎症細胞浸潤。子宮內膜有炎症反應,有大量慢性炎症細胞浸潤。患犬經卵巢子宮摘除,術後一星期一切恢復正常。


子宮積水 子宮積膿症


A female dog with abdominal distension and bloody vaginal discharge was referred to the National Chung-Hsing University Veterinary Teaching Hospital. It was an 11 kg, 5-year-old mixed breed dog with inadequate contraception surgery at 7 months old. Haematological examinations showed that this dog had neutrophilic leucocytosis, thrombocytopenia, and eosinophilia. Biochemical examinations of serum revealed an increase in creatine phosphokinase, higher glucose level, and decreased total protein. The vaginal smear showed abundant neutrophils, red blood cells, and large intermediate cells. By ultrasonography we found that the uterine horns of this dog were significantly enlarged and hypoechoic materials were detected. The uterus was observed to contain red-brown turbid fluid and its smear preparation showed large amount of neutrophils and little lymphocytes. However, no bacteria were detected in the fluid. Ovariohysterectomy was performed immediately after the above procedure. The left uterine horn was 16 cm long, 9 cm wide and contained 200 mL liquid. In contrast, the right uterine horn was 18 cm long, 6 cm wide and contained 180 mL liquid. Congestion and hyperemia were seen in the endometrium of both uterine horns. The left ovary contained 4 and the right 3 corpora lutea. No obvious follicles were noticed on both ovaries. Histological examination of both ovaries showed congestion, hyperemia and chronic inflammatory cells infiltration. Some corpora lutea but no graafian follicles were seen in the ovary section. Cellular infiltration were also observed in the endometrium. Thus, the diagnosis of this dog was pyometra. After ovariohyterectomy, the dog was recovered in one week.


Dog Hydrometra Pyometra
