  • 期刊


The Theory and Practice of the Virtue-Oriented Moral Education


本文係以教育角度為關切點,嘗試論述德行倫理學運用於品德教育之理論與實踐面向。首先,藉由探討Aristotle及A. MacIntyre二位古今倫理學者之思想,歸納傳統與當代德行倫理學影響所具之理學者之思想,歸納傳統與當代德行倫理學諸主張與特點,並引為理念基礎。其次,探討品德教育因受德行倫理學影響所具之理論特點,包括:1.兼重理性、情感與行動等層面,並期達致知行合一;2.強調自由與關懷,並以中庸之道達致具卓越品質之全人;3.著重修德過程,並強調在實踐智慧中加以開展且養成習慣;4.強調德行係多元共識之社會建構,亦是內在善之展現。再者,針對德行取向品德教育的實踐部分,除介紹當前美國推行新品德教育運動並蔚為思潮之外,並以我國實施數十年德目教學即將因教育改革而有所轉變為之對照,藉以思考影響品德教育實踐之相關因素。最後,本文提及德行取向之品德教育固有其特點,但在理論與實踐上亦仍有其若干限制,故其乃動態發展之教育歷程,亟須於理論與實踐之反省及批判中,持續修正與不斷更新,以開創道德教育深度思維與多元反省之視野。


From an educational perspective, this article proceeds and tries to state how virtue ethics is applied on the theoretical and practical dimensions of moral education. Firstly, through exploring the thoughts of two philosophers, Aristotle and A.MacIntyre, we generalize the claims and features of both traditional and contemporary virtue ethics as the doctrinal foundation. Secondly, we explore the theoretical features of character education which are due to the influence of virtue ethics, including: 1. valuing all the rational, emotional, and active dimensions in wishes to achieve the unity of moral knowledge and action; 2.stressing freedom and care as well as achieving a wholesome personality of excellent quality through the middle way; 3.focusing on the process of moral cultivation and highlighting how to develop it in practical wisdom in order to make it a good habit; 4.noting that virtue is a social construct of multiple consensuses as well as the manifestation of inner good. Furthermore, as for the practical dimension of the virtue-oriented moral education, how the new moral educational movement is carried out and becomes an orientation in America is contrasted with how the moral education practiced for decades in our country is about to be changed due to educational innovation, whereby we can contemplate about the factors that influence the practice of moral education. Finally, it is noted in this article, though the virtue-oriented moral education has its own features, there are still certain limits in theory and practice; therefore, such a moral education is a dynamic process and must be modified and renewed through the reflection and criticism in theory and practice so as to develop the profound thoughts about moral education and the vision of multiple reflection.


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尼各馬克倫理學=Nicomchean Ethics


