  • 期刊


The Effects of Raw Material on Paper Durability



紙張極易受到外界環境因子影響而劣化,減少其使用與保存年限,因此,如何延長紙張壽命已是現今紙業界研究的重要課題之一。 本試驗目的旨在探討不同原料對於紙張劣化性質的差異,進而做為日後選材憑依。試驗項目包括利用日光燈、人工促進耐候試驗箱、恆溫恆濕箱等方法加速紙張劣化,測試的性質包括:表面顏色的改變、pH值、1%氫氧化鈉可溶物量、裂斷長、耐摺力,表面微細構造觀測、紅外線光譜分析、纖維素分子量變化分析及木質素含量測定等。試驗結果顯示:未漂白紙張劣化後,紙張表面產生酸化作用使pH值逐漸下降。1%氫氧化鈉可溶物量、色差值與紙張劣化時間成正相關,而裂斷長、耐摺力與紙張劣化時間成負相關。未漂白紙張劣化後其強度保留率之相對關係為:相思樹>杉木>稻草>麻竹,而紙張劣化反應速率之相對關係為:麻竹>稻草>杉木>相思樹;紙張劣化後表面顏色改變之相對關係為:相思樹>稻草>杉木>麻竹,其他有關性質之變化與比較在本文中一一加以探討。


Paper is affected by enviromental factors which reduce its permanence. How to maintain its durability thus become a main focus of pulp and paper industry. The objective of this research is to investigate the effects of raw material on paper durability. Papers were separately exposed to three different conditions, i.e., under fluorescent lamps, under xenon lamp weatherometer chamber and in temperature & humidity test chamber. The changes in paper properties including surface color, pH value, 1% NaOH extraction, breaking length, folding endurance, surface microstructure, chemical structure, cellulose molecular weight distribution and lignin content were monitored. The experimental results reveal that acidification occurs in unbleached paper surfaces during accelerated aging and leads to decreased pH value. One-percent NaOH extraction and color difference are proportional to accelerated aging time, but breaking length and folding endurance are in inverse proportions. After accelerated aging, the strength retentions of four unbleached papers in decreasing order are: Taiwan acacia (Acacia confusa Merr.)>China fir (Cun-ninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook)>rice straw (Oryza sativa Linn.)>ma bamboo (Dendrocalamus tatiflorus Munro.); the relative reaction rates of papers are: ma bamboo>rice straw>China fir>Taiwan acacia; the surface color changes of aging paper in decreasing order are: Taiwan acacia>rice straw>China fir>ma bamboo. In addition, the effects of exposing papers made of the four different raw materials to accelerated aging conditions on the changes of chemical structure, cellulose molecular weight distribution and surface microstructure are also compared and discussed in detail.
