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Differences in Foraging Ecology between Generalized and Specialized Frugivorous Birds in the Fushan Experimental Forest, Northeastern Taiwan




我們研究福山試驗林內三種常見食果性鳥類(繡眼畫眉Alcippe morrisonia morrisonia,紅嘴黑鵯Hypsipetes madagascariensis nigerrimus及五色鳥Megalaima oorti nuchalis)的攝食生態,以驗證廣食性食果性鳥類與專一性食果性鳥類在攝食生態上是否有明顯的差異。從1997年6月到1998年5月,每個月3~10天到福山試驗林從事鳥類攝食生態的觀察,記錄鳥種、攝食行為、取食果實種類、利用棲地環境等資料。在攝食行為上,三種鳥類主要使用啄食(gleaning)和伸展(reaching)取食果實,不過五色鳥用伸展遠比啄食多,而紅嘴黑鵯也利用飛啄(sallying)以攫取果實。另外,五色鳥和紅嘴黑鵯主要在樹冠層的喬木上取食核果跟漿果;而繡眼畫眉則較常出現在底層較小棵的喬木或灌木上,取食的果實類別也比前兩者更龐雜而多樣。廣食性食果性鳥類,如繡眼畫眉,不僅利用較多樣的果實種類,在攝食生態上也展現較大的區位寬度(niche breadth),與專一性食果性鳥類,如五色鳥和紅嘴黑鵯,確實呈現顯著的差異。


In order to distinguish differences in foraging between generalized and specialized frugivores, we studied the foraging ecology of 3 commonly seen fruit-eating birds (Gray-cheeked Fulvetta Al-cippe morrisonia morrisonia, Black Bulbul Hypsipetes madagascariensis nigerrimus, and Blackbrowed Barbet Megalaima oorti nuchalis) in Fushan Experimental Forest, northeastern Taiwan. From June 1997 to May 1998, the foraging behaviors, species of fruit eaten, and habitat characteristics of these 3 species were recorded monthly. Habitat variables included vegetation level, vegetation density, foraging height, plant height, and diameter at breast height (dbh) of the fruiting plant. In terms of foraging behavior, gleaning and reaching were used frequently by all 3 species to obtain fruit; however, the Black-browed Barbet used much more reaching than gleaning. On the other hand, the Black Bulbul also used sallying to snatch fruit, and the Gray-cheeked Fulvetta was seen to hang at times. The Black-browed Barbet and Black Bulbul predominantly foraged high in the canopy (> 70% of the time) for drupes and berries, while the Gray-cheeked Fulvetta spent more time foraging in the understory (52.3%) and consumed a greater diversity of fruit types than the other 2 species. In addition, the Black-browed Barbet and Black Bulbul concentrated their foraging in large fruiting trees, whereas the Gray-cheeked Fulvetta took fruit mainly from smaller and thinner trees or bushes. As a result, the Gray-cheeked Fulvetta, a generalized frugivore, not only exhibited greater niche breadth in terms of fruit type and vegetation level, but also expressed a wider variation in foraging habitat use than did the specialized frugivores, the Black Bulbul and Blackbrowed Barbet. This study showed that specialized frugivores use a far more select set of fruits, fruiting plants, and habitats than do generalized frugivores.


