  • 期刊


The Life Space of Offsprings with Schizophrenic Parents: The Primarty Study of Patients' and Spouses' Perceptipns


本研究之主旨在於探討精神分裂症患者及其配偶對家庭功能、其子女成長過程的看法,以及對社會支持系統的評價,以增進對精神分裂病患者其子女生活情境的瞭解,并作為推展社區心理衛生工作及居家護理之參考。本研究之研究對象為10位某國家教學醫院門診之精神分裂病患及其配偶,且此病患第一次發病時其子女年齡在15歲以下者,并采用定性及類統計之描述研究法,根據會談指引以半結構深度會談方式收集資料。 結果發現,根據內容分析可將病患與配偶之生活經驗歸納為三個主題:(1)疾病資訊過部分:由研究得知,大部分的病患以及所有的配偶都知道病患是屬於精神疾病,也都對藥物持正向的態度。(2)自我功能過程部分:80%的病患在人際關系上顯得退縮,75%的配偶覺得對人際關係有影響;90%的病患以及87.5%的配偶之工作受影響,其中甚至有60%的病患沒有工作,且男病患的配偶皆需工作以負擔家計。(3)家庭角色功能過程部分:70%的病患認為本身的疾病不會影響子女的成長,但62.5%配偶則持不同的意見;66.7%的病患自認為對小孩的教養態度適當,但50%柄偶認為病患的教養太度不當。病人及其配偶社會資源則大多來自配偶及親戚。 本研究的主要貢獻係了解由病患及其配偶有經驗之主要建構類同,而了解病患子女之生活情境,以作為居家護理工作之發展。


With the approach of using a qualitative-description and quantitative-description research design, this study was conducted to explore the perception of schizophrenic patients and their spouses on family function, parenting behaviors, and social support system. The purpose is to understand how the schizophrenic patients and their children lived at home. On average, out-patients had a child or children under 15 years old at the time the patient was first diagnosed with mental illness. Ten patients and eight spouses were invited for a low structured interview. Then content analysis was used to encode their verbatim responses. Three “construct themes” emerged from the peredption of their living experiences: (1) illness information processing, (2) self function processing, and (3) family role function processing. It was discovered that spouses are the primary social support system for patients, and their relatives are the primary social support system for spouses. In summary, most patients and all spouses were aware of the psychotic illness and showed compliance with the medical direction. Regarding interpersonal relationship, eighty percent of patients showed withdrawal in their attitudes, and seventy percent of spouses were influenced by the illness. Most patients and their spouses thought that the schizophrenia influenced the performance on carrying out their jobs. Moreover, sixty percent of patients had no job at all. Seventy precent of patients believed that their disease had not interfered with the growth of thier children while sixty three spouses felt the opposite. Sixty seven of patient believed that their parenting behavior was adequate, while fifty of their spouses felt it was inadequate. The major limitation of this study was the small number of samplings and the difficulty in interviewing patients. In spite of this limitation and problem, this research did provide an insight into the perceptions of the schizophrenic patients and their spouses on the environment in which their offsprings grew up. The contributions of this study will be both for community mental health care and for related research.


