  • 期刊

A Study of EFL Writers' Performance of Reading-to-write Task





Both reading and writing are considered one's active cognitive process of meaning discovery after the 1 980s; in the 1 990s, research studies conclude that reading and writing are closely related and that reading and writing should be taught in an integrated approach (e.g., Carson, 1990, 1993; Grabe, 2003; Langer & Flihan, 2000; Leki, 1991; You & Joe, 2004). This study, thus, aims to explore if the English-majored juniors perform the reading-to-write task differently before and after the reading-to-write instruction in order to investigate the effects of implementing reading and writing connection in EFL writing curriculum. The subjects were 28 English-majored juniors at a university in central Taiwan. The subjects were required to write a comparison/contrast essay on the same topic for three times in the following order: without reading material, with reading material before the instruction, and with reading material after the instruction. The reading-to-write instruction, lasting for five weeks, was designed to teach the EFL students how to write from sources by means of introducing reading-to-write strategies and enhancing their metacognitive awareness of strategy use. Their written products were then graded, and underwent text analysis and statistic procedure. The results showed that the instruction was effective in improving the subjects' writing performance in the reading-to-write task; the findings thus indicate that EFL learners' need to be taught how to perform a reading- to-write task and that they benefit from an integrated reading-writing program.


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