  • 期刊

A Study on Effectiveness of Course Design through Development of Initial Job Competence and Job Relevance of University Education; Follow-up Survey of Graduates of Department of Japanese of Technology Colleges and Universities





This study refers to vocational education and practical courses that are highly related to job replacement as those with ”job relevance of education.” Literature review indicated that due to the focus of educational goal of technology colleges and universities on practical courses that are associated with vocational education and jobs, students are more likely to place their emphasis on ”practical and applicable” courses and think that since they belong to technological and vocational education system, courses taught should reflect current affairs and the needs of their future jobs effectively. This study conducts follow-up investigation on graduates of department of Japanese of technology colleges and universities. From the perspective of job relevance of university education to examine the development of initial job competence of graduates and the connection of courses offered by department of Japanese of technology colleges and universities.


王麗雲‧彭森明(2009) 「臺灣高等教育整合資料庫: 96學年度應屆畢業生流向調查─大專生調查問卷」教育研究與評鑑中心「管理、釋出單位」。
青輔會 (2006) 『大專畢業生就業力調查』青輔會。
