  • 期刊


The Analysis to the Results of Students Assess the Teacher Teaching at 98 School Year in China University of Science and Technology (CUST)







The study analysis 54384 subjects questionnaire data students assess the teacher teaching at 98 school year in CUST. Obtains the following main results:1. Approval degree of students in school evaluated the teacher teaching reach average 4.46. Indicate that students are satisfied totally to teacher teaching.2. In 10 items questionnaire, students approved the high three items are: ”the teacher attends and leave class punctually”, ”the teaching manner” and ”the fair of grading and monitoring the exam”; the low three items are: ”interact with students, ”the results of studying” and ”the difficulty level of examination”.3. On the school level, the difference of students evaluated the teacher teaching in different department are presenting following phenomenon approximately:The Taipei Campus approval degree is higher than the Hsinchu Campus; In the educational system aspect, students approved the degree is in order: Graduate school, Junior College, 2-year senior College, and 4-year College; In administration aspect, students approved the degree is in order: 2-year senior College in-service, Weekend school, Night school, Day school; In academic program, students approved the degree is in order: College of Commerce and Management, College of Health Science and Technology, College of Engineering, General education center, College of Aviation; In learning year aspect, students approved the degree is in order: Senior, Sophomore, Freshman, Junior.4. Approval degree of the students who are taking general education courses evaluated the teacher teaching reach average 4.47. Comparison among Branches students approved the degree is in order: Physical, Humanities and Society, Chinese and English.5. Approval degree of Engineering college's students evaluated the teacher teaching reach average 4.46. Comparison among departments students approved the degree is in order: Department of Electronic Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Architectural Engineering and Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering.6. Approval degree of Commerce and Management college's students evaluated the teacher teaching reach average 4.48. Comparison among departments students approved the degree is in order: Department of Finance, Department of International Business, Department of Business Administration and Department of Information Management.7. Approval degree of Health Science and Technology college's students evaluated the teacher teaching reach average 4.46. Comparison among departments students approved the degree is in order: Department of Biological Science & Technology, Department of Food & Beverage Management and Department of Food Science.8. Approval degree of Aviation college's students evaluated the teacher teaching reach average 4.40. Comparison among departments students approved the degree is in order: Department of Avionics, Department of Aviation Mechanical Engineering, Department of Aviation Services & Management and Department of Tourism & Hospitality Management.


teaching assessment


