  • 期刊


Using the treatment of strengthening spleen and increasing the qi and the therapy of warming the middle-jiao and removing toxins to cure one female patient who suffer from myasthenia gravis


重症肌無力(Myasthenia gravis, MG)是一種常見的神經肌肉傳導出問題的自體免疫疾病。這種病的特徵為在眼睛、延髓、四肢、呼吸肌肉出現不同程度的虛弱無力症狀。本病例是一位36歲的日本女性,自述從大約9年前被診斷出重症肌無力,平日需坐輪椅與多種輔具,後來因家庭因素來至高雄,於103年7月至本院門診開始治療,服藥2週後,可自行活動不需輔具至今。


中醫 中藥 重症肌無力


Myasthenia gravis is the most common disorder of neuromuscular transmission. The hallmark of the disorder is a fluctuating degree and variable combination of weakness in ocular, bulbar, limb, and respiratory muscles. This case is about a 36 year-old Japanese woman. She described that she had been diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis nine years ago and needed wheelchair and a variety of assistive devices to assist her in her daily life. After she carne back to Kaohsiung due to some family factors, she started to receive treatment in our hospital since July 2014. Afater taking some medicine for two weeks, she can freely move with no assistive devices till now.


UpToDate 網站, keyword: myasthenia gravis
劉亞軍、滿運軍、王佳、王春生; 重症肌無力中醫辨證與西醫分型及療效探討,北京中醫藥, 2009 年3 月第28 卷第3 期。
李琳、張立德; 重症肌無力的辨證論治, 中華中醫藥學刊, 2 0 0 8 年11 月第2 6卷第11 期。
