



Facial nerve palsy (FNP) is referred as extraordinary stiffness of unilateral or bilateral facial expression muscles. Patients suffered from it often declaim not be able to close their eyes, mouths and facial asymmetry. In addition to loss function of facial expression, the cornea will be dried and damaged due to inability to close eyes. Besides, facial asymmetry causes patients psychological stress resulting from anxiety about whether they have brain disease. Their social ability is also compromised due to weird facial expression. Therefore, FNP has profound impacts to patients' physical, mental and social status. The causes of FNP can be classified into central and peripheral lesions according to anatomic location. It is crucial to exclude central lesions, such as bleeding, tumor or infection. History taking, physical examination and imaging studies (brain MRI, CT scan) may initially rule out serious causes. According to some clinicians' experience, corticosteroid has significant effects as treatment modality. Antiviral drugs can be applied if viral infection is suspected and physical rehabilitation should be considered. We proposed three cases of FNP: The first one presented with FNP after mandible block anesthesia injection, which may be related to the anatomical variation. The second has trauma history, which was suspected FNP due to virus infection. The patient gradually recovered after management and observation for a few weeks. The third patient has great psychosocial pressure with history of virus infection. After detailed examination and investment to rule out central lesions, medication prescription and arrangements for the rehabilitation result in gradual good progress. The three cases have different history and disease course, which may provide reference for differential diagnosis, logical deduction and choosing of treatment modality.
