  • 期刊


Thermodynamic Equilibrium Prediction for Steam Reforming of Vegetable Oil in Thermal Plasma Reformer


本論文運用熱力學平衡預測方法進行以水和植物油爲燃料在不同條件下,使用熱電漿水蒸氣重組器所產生的富氫氣體分析。預測的結果顯示植物油和水比例爲1:32、工作溫度爲750℃時爲最佳工作條件。對於質子交換膜燃料電池(proton exchange membrane fuel cell, PEMFC)的應用,氫氣產能在濕基、乾基條件下大約可達56%及68%;對於固態氧化物燃料電池(solid oxide fuel cell, SOFC)的應用,可用燃料的產能在濕基、乾基條件下大約可達75%及94%。這些模擬結果將藉由大葉大學淨潔能源研發中心實驗室以1kWe熱電漿重組器進行實驗驗證。


This report presents thermodynamic equilibrium predictions for the steam reformation of vegetable oil in a thermal plasma reformer under various working conditions. An optimal operation condition was chosen at a temperature of and a mole flow ratio of 1:32 for vegetable oil to water. The predicted results show that the mole fraction of hydrogen reaches 56% and 68% on wet and dry bases, respectively, for proton-exchange-membrane fuel cell applications. Moreover, the total mole fractions of fuels for solid oxide fuel cell applications approach 75% and exceed 94% on wet and dry bases, respectively. These predicted data are compared with experimental data obtained with a 1 kWe thermal plasma reformer at the Clean-Energy Research and Development Center, Da-Yeh University, Changhua, Taiwan.
