  • 期刊


The Triangular Relationship Among Swallowing Disorders, Aspiration Pneumonia, and Poor Oral Hygiene




Persons with dysphagia have difficulties chewing and swallowing food because of functional, structural, or psychological reasons. Dysphagia may cause choking or the inhalation of food into the trachea and lungs. Patients with dysphagia often induce the coughing reflex when drinking water and brushing teeth and tend to suffer from gum bleeding. As a result, their caregivers tend to reduce the frequency of or discontinue teeth brushing, which promotes the spread of periodontal disease, dental caries, and oropharyngeal secretions colonizing in the oral cavity or throat. When a patient suffers a choking attack or aspiration, bacteria is inhaled into the trachea and lungs, causing aspiration pneumonia. Furthermore, patients with choking issues are often be fitted with nasogastric tubes to facilitate the delivery of nutrients and water. Long-term use of nasogastric tubes also significantly increases the risk of aspiration pneumonia. Adjusting eating posture, improving food texture, conducting swallowing rehabilitation, providing training, and practicing proper oral care are an effective approach to preventing the onset of chewing and swallowing disorders and aspiration pneumonia.


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