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Regional Literature as a Mirror: Reflecting Back onto the Region and Out into the Wider World



地域文學能具有極為重大的國家或國際文化價值。事實上,澳洲國家文學裡被賦予最高文化價值,被視為典範的許多作品,也都有理由看成是地域文學的作品。雖然如此,地域文學吸引的通常是少數的讀者,也就是背景所在或作品關注之特定地域的居民。 在本文裡,我詳述地域文學能反照地域-以及該地域居民-回到自身的方式。可是我也同時考量該地域以外的個人閱讀地域文學的方式。正如你站在浴室鏡子前面,你的某種形象映回自身,而當時有人站在你身後肩膀高度以上的地方時,他們所看到的是稍有差異的你的映像-地域文學也是如此。我首先回顧有關地域主義及澳洲地域文學的爭論,藉此分析這兩種認知之間的異同。這些爭論使支持地域主義者與支持國家主義、國際主義、及普世主義者產生對立。這些爭論也顯露出作家之間的不和,他們中有些人是澳洲的地域概念及學院的後現代理論的直率支持者。接著我往前瞻望,臆測在日益全球化的社會及出版工業裡地域文學的未來。


Regional literature can be of enormous national or international cultural value. In fact, many of the works that are accorded the highest cultural value and understood as part of the canon of national literature in Australia, are also arguably works of regional literature. However, regional literature usually appeals only to a very small audience-namely, the residents of the particular region in which the work is set, or with which it is concerned. In this article, I detail the ways in which regional literature can reflect the region-and the residents of that region-back onto itself. However, I also consider the ways in which regional literature is read by individuals residing outside of the region in question. Just as when you stand in front of the bathroom mirror, a certain image of yourself is reflected back to you, and when someone stands just over your shoulder, they see an ever so slightly different reflection of you-so it is with regional literature. I analyse the similarities and the differences between these two perceptions by first looking backwards to the history of the debates about regionalism and regional literature in Australia. These debates pitted those in favor of regionalism against those in favor of nationalism, internationalism, and even universalism; they also revealed rifts between writers, who were some of the most outspoken proponents of a regional conception of Australia, and the postmodern theories of academics. Then, I look forward to speculate on the future of regional literature in an increasingly globalised society and publishing industry.


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