  • 期刊


Improvement Performance for Fish Habitat of Fresh Water Creek with Variant Configurations of Riprap Works




A flume experiment and a horizontal 2D model, TABS-2, were examined to evaluate the hydraulic characteristics of Nei-Go Stream in Northern Taiwan. The simulated water depth and velocity magnitude were employed to calculate both percentage usable area (PUA) for fish and Shannon-Weaver diversity index (SHDI) for habitat type. In addition, by selecting Cyprinidae and Homalopteridae fishes as the indicator species, habitat improvement performance with and without riprap works were investigated. Due to occupation of ripraps in riverine, the fish habitat area decreases under low Froude number (Fr=0.42) situations. Meanwhile when Fr is equal to 0.61 installing riprap works can decline Cyprinidae's habitat area but rise Homalopteridae's ones. All cases reveal that habitat diversity is getting higher after constructing riprap works. Besides, we found out that the optimum distance between two ripraps set is about 2-2.5 times of river width.
