  • 期刊


Proposal and Action Plan for the Management and Maintenance of the Public Sewerage


臺灣地區公共污水下水道建設已超過40 年,生命週期已屆需積極進行維護管理階段。由於污水下水道完工後,因無替代管線及影響交通等因素,不易再進行第二次開挖施工辦理維護修繕或更新,故需積極強化下水道維護管理效能,進行計畫性之維護管理,以達下水道長壽命化目標,減少因污水下水道更新所導致之財務或下水道失能之衝擊。而推動污水下水道計畫性之維護管理,最重要工作之一即為維護管理監督之法制化,目前除了既有的維護管理要點外,中央主管機關並無監督評估地方主管機關管理維護成效之作業規定,故需研訂公共污水下水道維護管理訪評作業規定,以監督地方主管機關強化維護管理工作。本研究以蒐集文獻法規、深度訪談內政部營建署(中央主管機關)、各縣市政府(地方主管機關)及專家學者之方式,初步研擬訪評作業計畫草稿,再舉辦專家學者座談會收集意見並修正草稿,研訂公共污水下水道維護管理訪評計畫草案。並參酌專家學者意見,建議初期以試辦方式辦理訪評作業,並由試辦成效較佳之縣市舉辦觀摩會或講習會,以落實推動訪評計畫。經試辦後,再正式推動訪評計畫,以監督方式強化各縣市政府公共污水下水道之維護管理作業。本研究成果可供中央主管機關後續推動公共污水下水道維護管理監督作業之參考。


The sewer systems in Taiwan were constructed approximately 40 years ago. The advanced management is necessary for the government authority and critical due to the service life of the systems. The second excavation to comprehensively maintain or repair the sewer system is found to be difficult due to budget limit and traffic jam consideration. This study proposes an assessment plan (draft) of in-depth interview for strengthening efficiency in management. Documents collection and analysis, expert's panel discussion and interview of related governments were conducted. We found that currently the central government, i.e. Construction and Planning Agency (CPA) of Ministry of the Interior, has no legal actions to supervise and evaluate the implementation and efficiency of the usage. The CPA therefore cannot set the rules of reward and punishment. We suggest initiating a pilot program of in-depth interview in selected cities and counties. After the pilot, the formal promotion of the in-depth interview programs might contribute into strengthening the public sewage maintenance and management operations of municipal governments. We conclude that the results of this study can be used for the follow-up of the central government to promote public sewer maintenance management and supervision.
