  • 期刊


Development and Application of Monitoring Data Addendum Technique




This study proposes the use of regression analysis combined with statistical analysis for missing data interpolation and debug of monitoring data. Using continuous monitoring data in multiple regression can reasonably describe the temporal and spatial relationship between different monitoring wells, while applying the debug procedure can eliminate the outlier data with value out off the interval of 95% probability of occurrence. The proposed addendum technique makes the results more correct. In this study, the monitoring data of Jiaoxi Hot Spring from 2012 to 2017 is supplemented. The total amount of data is 683,904 counts of hourly groundwater level data, but there are 129,490 missing data. The addendum results show that it is possible to make reasonable additions to the missing data, which not only meets the long-term trend, but also presents short-term disturbances. The addendum data is used to the identification of the pumping type in Jiaoxi Hot Spring Area and successfully improve the identification results. It is found that the main hot spring use behavior of Jiaoxi occurs during 5:00~9:00 and 13:00~22:00, thus inducing a once-a-day fluctuation of water level. The results also show that if the monitoring data is used directly without an appropriate supplement, the analysis may be distorted.


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