  • 學位論文


Design and Development of a Current Monitoring System

指導教授 : 郭耀文


本論文中,我們設計了一套電流監測的物聯網系統,透過量測迴路上的電流(例如:冷氣、插座、冰箱等的用電量)與各種環境的氣候因素(例如:溫度、溼度等),並且經由網路將量測到的數據上傳至資料庫,再由網頁平台監看每個裝置的數據變化。 系統分為兩大部分,資料傳輸與使用者介面。在資料傳輸方面,由電流感測器(SCT-013-060)、環境感測器(BME680)取出訊息後,傳送給控制板(Arduino WEMOS R2 & D1)再利用MQTT協定經由網路傳送到自行架設的MQTT Broker,轉送到位於校內網路的Node-red程式處理後取出資料存入資料庫;在使用者介面方面,我們設計一個網頁平台來將資料庫的感測器數據呈現出來,網頁平台內設有會員管理、閘道器(Gateway)管理、感測器管理、計畫管理、報表管理等功能。本使用者介面有兩個特點,第一,閘道器(Gateway)管理功能可以提供管理者持續的增加不同類型閘道器(Gateway)裝置,讓使用者能夠更有彈性的建構自己的物聯網;第二,計畫管理功能可以提供不同類型閘道器(Gateway)裝置的感測器在同一個頁面做呈現,讓使用者能夠更方便的做同一個環境下的各種元素的數據交叉分析。此外,還附有警告機制,自行設定電器的臨界值或是警告值,可以發送email通知提醒使用者某電器已超出所設定的數值,請前往查探電器是否損壞或異常。


In this thesis, we design and implement a current monitoring IoT system. The data measured loop current and environment data are delivered to an MQTT broker and then stored in a database. Users can monitor the historical data of any device with our Web service for further analysis. The whole system can be divided into two parts. The first part is the data delivery from the sensors to the database, and the second part is the web service for user management and data visualization. The data delivery is initialized by a controller, WEMOS R2 & D1, which retrieves the loop current data via four ADC converters or the environment data via a multi-function chip, BME680. The controller encapsulates the retrieved data in a MQTT message and delivers it to a MQTT broker. A node-red flow is responsible of processing MQTT message and save the data in a database. For the web user interface, we have hosted a public web server, allowing the administrator to manage user account and gateway registration and users to manage sensor registration. Each user can view the historical data visualized by our web server. The web server has two special functionalities. First, it can handle different type of data. Second, it allows users to create projects with different types of data, which helps user to carry out data analysis easily. In addition, users can specify a threshold for each device. When the incoming value is high then the threshold, the web server will automatically send a notification e-mail to the corresponding user.


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