  • 期刊


Study of Travel Learning and Local Culture Marketing: Yu Gwang Elementary School Case in Taipei County in Taiwan




Yu-Guang elementary school was a mini-school with only eight students. Based on the creative idea of ”learning by traveling”, this school developed a series of local natural and cultural programs. These programs are derived from the uniqueness of the local culture. Furthermore, it became the main strategy for local economy revitalization and local culture quality promotion. There have been 40000 visitors and 300 news or reports in the past 4 years. Yu-Guang elementary school was awarded as the school with best management and innovation by Ministry of Education. The question worthy to be studied is what is the marketing strategy of the school? In this research, we has investigated and analyzed its management and execution method from the viewpoint of marketing strategy. We have studied how to manage the education by connect it to the cultural, regional, and economical dimensions, how to find the subjective of local culture, and how to avoid the loss of cultural uniqueness and the idleness of cultural resources. It is an innovative thought of educational management for the problems of the 500 schools around in Taiwan. Among them, the mini-schools in the urban face the problem of either reunion or stop and the big-schools in the cities face the pressure of decreasing classes.


楊日申(2013)。微型行銷概念下的地方休憩詩學創作 ─ 以排灣族泰武萬安村為例〔碩士論文,國立虎尾科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6827/NFU.2013.00046
