  • 期刊


A Study of Cloud Computing Service Model for Front-end Browser


本研究針對目前最新技術發展趨勢,提出一個以瀏覽器為中心的雲端運算服務模型。本研究稱之「雲端服務交換器系統」,解決後端巨量資料透過緩衝區送至前端瀏覽器頁面顯示之問題並改善傳輸速度。本研究整合MongoDB、AngularJS、Socket.IO、Kafka、Node.js 五項元素。本研究解決前端中JavaScript 與網頁互動之困難、前後端開發語言相容性問題、巨量資料需求造成的伺服器負載量、前後端即時通訊效能等問題,最後達成建置網站之目的。


This research follows the trend of latest technology and puts forward a browser‐centric cloud computing service model, termed "cloud service exchange system". This system solves the problem that the requests of the immense volume of data and the request of large data processing from back‐end to the front‐end. In the meantime, this system improves the speed of transmission via buffer. We integrate five elements, including MongoDB, AngularJS, Socket.IO, Kafka, Node.js. This study solves many problems as below: 1. The interaction between JavaScript and web front‐end. 2. The compatibility issues in programing language of front‐end and back‐end. 3. Server overloading caused by the huge amount of information on demand. 4. Instant messaging performance front‐end and back‐end. And finally achieve the goal of creating a website.


Big Data Cloud Computing AngularJS Socket.IO Node.js MongoDB Kafka JavaScript


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