  • 期刊


A Sociodemographic Approach to the Target Market Analysis of Family's Landscape Plants in Taiwan



本研究以初探性之角度,探討國人從事園藝休閒活動目標市場之社會人口特性,包括基本之人口因素,工作身份、工作時數、與其旅遊日數。本研究使用民國八十一年行政院主計處臺灣地區國民休閒生活調查之資料進行分析,可供樣本54,573人,分析方法使用羅吉特迴歸分析(Logistic Regression)進行分析,分析之結果發現年齡愈高從事園藝活動的機率愈高,教育程度爲專科及大學程度者,有最高從事園藝活動機率,女性有較高從事園藝活動之機率,未婚者較少從事園藝活動。工作身份方面,受政府雇用者有最高從事園藝活動機率,工作時數之影響爲工作時數較高者其從事園藝活動之機率較低。全年旅遊日數31-60日者,有最高從事園藝活動之機率。研究亦建議建立全面性目標市場之研究,以提供園藝生産者之參考。


This is an exploratory study to discuss the target market of the horticulture leisure activities. The related sociodemographic characteristics were discussed, which includes the demographics, working status, working hour, and travel days. The Data of Report on the Leisure Life Survey in Taiwan accomplished by the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics of Executive Yuan, Republic of China, were adopted, which was collected in October 1991, with 54,573 cases. Logistic Regression was used as the statistical analysis method because of the dichotomous feature of the response variable. Elder people, higher educated people, female, government officers and people with travel days more than 60 days per year were found to have more probability to perform the horticultural leisure activities. Unmarried and higher working hour people were found to have less probability in performing the horticultural leisure activities. The continuing analysis of the factors contributed to the target market were suggest in this study for further research.


