  • 期刊


Microbial Quality of Non-factory Shaved-ice Desserts and the Hygiene Practice Improvement in Taiwan


剉冰是炎熱夏日國人最熱愛的食品,店家對冰品製程衛生作業的觀念較缺乏,導致冰品每年抽驗結果發現衛生品質不合格率偏高,呈現潛在的健康危機。因此本研究進行市售剉冰產品之衛生品質檢測,並輔導不合格且有意願之店家改善衛生作業。進行北、中、南共27家冰品店65件剉冰產品之衛生指標菌生菌數、大腸桿菌及大腸桿菌群含量檢測,結果顯示43%冰品之生菌數不符合衛生法規標準,39%冰品之大腸桿菌群含量不符合衛生法規標準,大腸桿菌則均未檢出,其主要原因為衛生作業不良,例如人員未落實手部清潔,剉冰設備未有效清洗、原料與半成品未能區分存放及器具未有效清洗,導致交叉污染所致。輔導4家不合格冰品店家強化其衛生作業改善,經改善後其成品、半成品及食品接觸面之大腸桿菌群高於100 MPN/g(cm^2)之件數由42%降為3%,且成品均符合法規標準。


In hot summer, ice-based desserts such as shaved-ice are popular in Taiwan. However, annual hygiene audits of ice-based desserts show that the rate of products failing to meet the food safety standards could potentially be high enough to cause a health crisis. Presumably, the major reason for the consequences is the cross-contamination resulting from the lack of hygiene on the part of the staff. This study focuses on the improvement of hygiene practices in the stores which do not meet food safety standards.To reveal the target stores, a total of 65 shaved-ice desserts were randomly sampled from 27 stores and assessed according to three hygiene indexes: total plate counts, coliform and Escherichia coli counts. There were no instances of E. coli among all of the samples, but 43% and 39% of the samples surpassed total plate counts and coliform count standards, respectively. Results suggest the lack of hygiene practice during processing. For example, the staff did not implement hand hygiene, disinfect equipment and vessels thoroughly, distinguish between raw materials and semi-products, etc. Four of the non-conforming ice dessert-making stores were chosen to strengthen on hygiene practices. After making the improvements, all products met hygienic standards. In addition, the percentages of the coliform counts of semi-products and contact surfaces which were greater than 100 MPN/g (cm^2) were significantly decreased from 42% to 3%.


Ice desserts Coliform E. coli. Hygiene practice
