  • 期刊

Low Aglycone Content in Commercial Soy Drink Products



對於黃豆異黃酮預防停經後婦女骨質流失之效益仍具有爭議。雖然越南人民攝取高量黃豆製品,但骨質疏鬆盛行率卻與許多西方國家族群相當。本篇研究分析越南與瑞典兩國市售黃豆飲品之異黃酮含量,並選取不同來源黃豆,自製成飲品,以比較它們的異黃酮含量。異黃酮含量以高效液相層析法測量,包括具生物活性的醣苷配基(aglycones)形式的異黃酮素(木質素黃酮、黃豆素黃酮與金雀素黃酮),以及其醣苷配體異構物。結果發現,總異黃酮素含量在所有製品中皆不如預期,約70-100 mg/L,其中只有10%醣苷配基具生物活性。同時也發現,越南國內製造的黃豆飲品,所含的黃豆素黃酮(glycitein),顯著低於瑞典製品以及自製的不同來源之黃豆飲品。這樣的結果顯示,每天必須喝下數公升的黃豆飲品,才能達到可預防骨質流失的黃豆異黃酮量。不同的黃豆飲品之總蛋白質含量與異黃酮量並沒有顯著之相關性。黃豆相關飲料製品應具備更精確的異黃酮素含量標示,以便未來研究者在飲食介入研究中,能更容易闡明黃豆相關製品對人體健康之益處。


The effectiveness of soy isoflavones to prevent bone loss in postmenopausal women is controversial. While consumption of soy in Vietnam is very high, we recently reported a prevalence of osteoporosis comparable to that of many Western populations. In the present study, we analyzed the isoflavone content of soy drink products commercially available in Vietnam and Sweden, and we also compared these products to ”home-made” soy drink from beans of different origin. The amounts of the bioactive aglycones (daidzein, glycitein and genistein) and their glycoside isomers were quantified by high-pressure liquid chromatography. We found that the total isoflavone content was low in all preparations, around 70-100 mg/L and of this only 10% were bioactive aglycones. Of these, the Vietnamese products contained significantly lower levels of glycitein than the products from Sweden and “home-made” soy drink preparations. The results show that consumption of several liters of soy drink per day would be needed to achieve threshold levels for a protective effect on bone. There was no significant association between total protein and isoflavone content in different products. Accurate labeling of soy drink and other products eg of aglycone and glycoside content would allow health professionals and researchers to better explore the possible benefits of soy in dietary intervention studies.


isoflavones HPLC soy drink osteoporosis Vietnam
