  • 期刊


A Comparison of Craniofacial Differences between Children and Adolescents with Angle's Class I Malocclusion


本研究之目的在探討男女於孩童時期與青春發育期後顱顏形態之差異。其方法為選取孩童期恆牙第一大臼齒關係為安格氏I級不正咬合者,男性50人,女性50人,共計100人進行測顱分析研究,經過約八年之追蹤後,僅餘男性18人,女性15人,合計33人合於本研究標準。以此33人分別於孩童時期及青春期後追蹤時所照之測顱X光片,量度其顱底角(cranial base angle)、上顎突角(maxillary prognathic angle)、顏面角(facial profile angle)、下顎頦角(mandibular chin angle)、下顎角(gonial angle)及顱底-下顎枝角(ramus to cranial base angle)等六個角度;另測量其後顱底長度(posterior cranial base length)、前顱底長度(anterior cranial base length)、上顏面高度(upper facial height)、下顏面高度(lower facial height)、下顎骨體長度(length of mandibular body)、後顏面高度(posterior facial height)等六個線性長度,分別就青春期前後及不同性別間做分析比較。結果顯示:無論男女性,顱底角大致維持恆定,前顱底長度與後顱底長度在春春期後均有所增加。在顏面方面,無論男女性,顏面角均相當穩定,故大致上男愛性孩童時期所呈現之顏面輪廓,其於青少年仍一致。整體而言,安格氏I級不正咬合者,無論男女性,於孩童與青少年之顱顏骨骼型態變化似有一致性。


The objective of this study was to gain an understanding of differences in craniofacial changes between children and adolescents through a long-term follow-up study. Study subjects of 33 patients with Angle’s Class I malocclusion, of which 18 were male and 15femal. A cephalometric x-ray was made both before and after adolescence. Six different angles were measure, including the cranial base angle, and ramus-to-cranial base angle. Measurements were made of 6 different linear or heights, including the posterior cranial base length, anterior cranial base length, upper facial height, lower facial height, length of mandibular body, and posterior facial height. These measurements were subjected to analytical comparison to study differences in development before and after adolescence and between males and females. Results showed a constant cranial base angle in both males and females. After adolescence, there was an increase in both the anterior cranial base length and posterior cranial base length. The facial profile angle remained stable in either males or females. Facial contours present before adolescence remained the same after adolescence. In conclusion, among our patients with Angle’s Class I malocclusion, whether male or female, craniofacial changes between young children years and adolescence were consistent.
