  • 期刊


Manufacturing of Slag Particleboard Bonded with Latent Hydraulic Cement



本粒片水泥板製造上最大難題在於水泥不易硬化,並需長時間養生及大量夾具才能生產。本研究之主要目的在尋法度解決國內家具工業木質廢棄物及鋼鐵工業礦渣廢棄物之問題;並引用最新製板技術將此廢棄物研製成有用的產品。試驗之進行係將二氧化碳以5.30kgf/cm^2之壓力,直接噴入板胚中,而使礦渣水泥產生水化任用,在數分鐘內即可製成具有強度之礦渣水泥粒片板。試驗主要結果如下: 1.不同濕度製造之礦渣粒片板,經變異分析均呈極顯著之差異,最適濕度度約為30~40℃。 2.礦渣水泥粒片板,當水泥量被分別取代1/3、1/2及2/3時其動彈性係數減低3~26%。 3.礦渣粒片板或礦渣水泥粒片板浸水24hrs厚度膨脹均在3%以下,吸水率在58.22~66.25%。 4.利用FFT頻譜分析儀,可迅速且準確測出礦渣水泥粒片板或礦渣粒片板之動彈性係數、音速等以推定其強度性質。 5.礦渣粒片板或礦渣水泥粒片板以打音法測得之動彈性係數與靜曲彈性係數均呈顯著正相關;而靜曲彈性係數與抗彎強度亦呈正相關。 6.礦渣粒片板或礦渣水泥粒片板之動彈性係數均隨音速之增加而明顯增加;抗彎強度亦呈相同之趨勢。


The curing of cement-banded wood particleboard is the most difficult problem in board manufacturing. It also takes long time for heard to mature and needs large amount of clampings as well during processing. The aim of this research is to recycle the wastes from furniture industry and steel manufacturing to become useful products. The carbon dioxide at 5.30kgf/cm^2 was directly sprayed into the mat to result in the hydration of slag-cement which enabled the board to develop considerable strength in minutes. The primary results were: 1. The variance analysis is at 1% significant level when different temperatures were used for stag particleboard manufacture. The optimum temperature was found to be 30-40℃. 2. The dynamic modulus of elasticity of slag particleboard were decreased for 3-26% when 1/3, 1/2 and 2/3 amount of the cement was replaced by slag. 3. Snaking both of slag particleboard and slag-cement particleboard in water or 24 hours has resulted in obtaining a thickness swelling bellow 3% and the water absorption between 58.22-66.25%. 4. The dynamic modulus of elasticity or sound velocity of slag particleboard and stag-cement particleboard could be quickly and precisely measured with FFT spectrum analyzer to determine its strength property. 5. The dynamic modulus of elasticity and static modulus of elasticity for slag particleboard and stag-cement particleboard measured by tap tone method showed the positive correlation as well as those of the static modulus of elasticity and modulus of rupture. 6. For slag particleboard and slag-cement particleboard, the increase of its dynamic modulus of elasticity was significantly correlated to the increase of its sound velocity, end the same as its modulus of rupture.
