  • 期刊


Interrill Erosion Rates of High Clay Soils in Lien-Hua-Chi Area, Central Taiwan



為明瞭台灣中部蓮華池地區高粘土含量土壤之沖蝕率,經採集三處不同土壤之樣本,風乾過篩盛入傾斜約28°之土盤,並以固定雨點粒徑(中徑約3.5mm)、3.1m落高之人工降雨機,模擬不同降雨強度與延時,及表土水分乾溼與結糊狀態下,三種高粘土含量土壤之逕流率與沖蝕率之變化。本研究根據實測資料推導土壤沖蝕率(E)與降雨強度(I)之指數關係E=a*I(上標 b)。由實驗結果獲知:土壤種類、土壤表面結糊狀態與降雨強度等三因子對逕流率之影響是非常明顯的,土壤種類與降雨強度對土壤流失率之影響也是顯著的。土壤結糊狀態對土壤流失率的影響在顯著水準α=0.01時不顯著,α=0.05時則為顯著。本試驗獲得之a值平均範圍在18.36-21.72之間,b值在1.05-1.26之間,此一結果比Meyer(1981)發表之b值平均範圍為低,造成差異之主因可能是本研究所採用之土壤粘土含量及有機質含量均偏高,且土壤係經擾動之土樣。另外,研究結果亦顯示,就定性而言,根據室內試驗求得三種土壤之相對沖蝕率與由通用土壤流失公式(USLE)線解圖求得之相對可蝕性頗為一致。


High clay soils on steep hillslopes in Lien-hua-chi area, upstream of Sui-Li-Chi watershed in central Taiwan were sampled and put in soil pan for laboratory experiments to determine the effect of rainfall intensity, surface crusting tory experiments to determine the effect of rainfall intensity, surface crusting and wetness on both runoff rate and soil loss rate using simulated rainfall. Erosion rate (E) was related to rainfall intensity (I) as a power function, E=a*I(superscript b). The results indicated that the effect of soil type, soil surface crusting condition and rainfall intensity on both runoff rate was very significant. The effect of soil surface crusting on soil loss rate was not significant at level of significance α=0.01, and it was significant at α=0.05. The range of the coefficient ”a” was 18.36-21.72, and the range of the exponent ”b” was 1.05-1.26 which was lower than the ”b” value reported by Meyer (1981). High contents of clay and organic matter, and disturbance of the soils were probably the major reasons to cause the differences. In addition, the results also showed that the relative erosion rates of the three soils based on the laboratory experiments were in good agreement with the relative erodibilities estimated by Wischmeier and Smith's nomograph.


Tfwala, S. S. (2016). 泥沙運輸及河道變遷於礫石河道之研究-以士文溪為例 [doctoral dissertation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0042-1805201714170926
