  • 期刊


Vegetative Propagation of Casuarina Junghuhniana Miq.



本研究根據本所埤子頭工作站民國74年栽植、80年夏季截幹後再萌發生長之山木麻黃採穗母樹,與四湖工作站新建立山木麻黃複設採穗園材料,探討不同扦插介質與不同IBA濃度對山木麻黃小枝扦插發根之影響。山木麻黃插穗在自動間䫘式噴霧溫室扦插這結果顯示: 山木麻黃在埤子頭採穗園所採之小會插穗,雖受成熟性之限制,不浸IBA生長素之插穗發根率極低,3,000ppm IBA溶液可增加不定根形成,不僅發根率較高且發根數較多,根系生長亦較好,而4,000ppm IBA溶液對山木麻黃插穗已達毒害之程度。 四湖工作站新建立之採穗園幼年化小枝之各項發根品質,均較埤子頭較成熟林木小枝之發根情形爲佳,而且幼年化小枝具有旺盛之根系生長力,爲提高山木麻小枝之以根能力,除3,000ppm IBA溶液爲最佳濃度選擇外,採取新扦插育成苗木所生長之小枝,以及加強採穗園之修剪、或截幹使其經常長出新萌葉小枝,以及降低採穗高度等,造成採穗母樹之返幼年化,皆爲提高山木麻黃小枝插穗發根之有效方法。 山木麻黃扦插所用之介質,基本上各種處理組合之發根率及發根數雖有不同,但皆無顯著差異存在。爲建立扦插與育苗作業連成一體之真插體系,避免扦插穗條再經移植等多一條手續,除了繼續加強提高小枝扦插發根率外,扦插介質選擇泥炭土與(石至)石、再加海砂或河砂三者同體積之混合介質組合,或可供未來直插育苗使用。


山木麻黃 扦插 幼年化小枝


This experiment was carried out in misthouse under intermittent mist-system in Syh-Hu Working Station of TFRI. A factorial design was used to investigate the proper rooting media and the appropriate IBA concentration for the stump sprouts collected from elder trees and 3 months-old rooted cuttings in scion production orchards of Casuarina junghuhniana. Rooting success of the spring cuttings from elder trees of Pei-Tsu-Tou scion production orchard was restricted by the maturation. However, 3,000ppm IBA treatment increased rooting rate and hence gave rise to better root system. While the 4,000ppm IBA seemed to exhibit harmful effect on rooting. The root performance of sprig cuttings collected from the newly established scion production orchard at Syh-Hu was better than that of sprig cuttings from the older one at Pei-Tsu-Tou. The results showed that juvcnile sprigs from younger scion orchard possess vigorous regenerating capacity and can be recommended for cutting material. It must enhance the pruning or coppicing operation of scion orchard to maintain highly juvenility of stump sprouts for sprig cutting propagation. The results of present studies show that there is no statistically significant difference in rooting percentage as well as average root number, whatever rooting media we were used. In order to reduce the propagation cost by means of eliminating transplanting process, except from continue to study how to improve the rooting rate of sprig cuttings, we directly rooted the cuttings in polyethylene containers which were filled with the mix of peatmoss、 vermiculites、sea-sand or river-sand of equal volume.



