  • 期刊


Forms and Functions of Wisdom in Real-life Contexts


智慧雖然難得,但是它不能脫離人群而存在。過去的理論指出智慧必須在個體面對日常生活中的種種的挑戰時才能真正地發揮其功能。心理學迄今對智慧所做多在實驗室中進行、藉由觀察個體於人為塑造的情境中解決抽象問題之研究,可能並不是最佳研究智慧展現的方式。在整合既有智慧理論與研究發現之後,本研究對智慧所採取的定義為在現實生活中所展現之一系列經由思考、行動、以及發揮正面影響的歷程(real-life process)。研究針對66位被提名為有智慧的人就其過去展現的智慧進行半結構式訪談,並就訪談的內容針對「智慧」、「成就」等面向進行分析與評量。整體而言,本研究結果顯示,透過被提名為有智慧的人對生命中所做過的智慧事件之王觀敘述,我們可以觀察到智慧展現的歷程。而智慧展現的歷程中包含了統整、行動實踐、與正面影響三個核心要素;智慧在日常生活的情境中展現時所發揮的功能與形式,包括了幫助他人或對大環境有所建樹以求共善,成就讓自己滿意的自我定位和生活狀態,決定人生的發展方向,解決工作上所遇到的難題與挑戰,以及在強大的壓力下堅持做自己認為對而且該做的事。


The present study defines wisdom as a process which emerges after a person has successfully implemented his or her integrated idea to a real-life context and exerted positive influences through his or her action. After asserting that wisdom can only be observed in real-life contexts through real persons' endeavor, the present study aims to investigate wisdom through semi-structured interviews with 66 wisdom nominees nominated by 80 nominators of diverse backgrounds. Analysis of the interview transcripts yielded 220 wisdom incidents that fall into five categories. Thus, wisdom emerges in real life when one (1) strives for common good by helping others and contributing to society, (2) achieves and maintains a satisfactory state of life, (3) decides and develops life paths, (4) resolves difficult problems at work, (5) insists on doing the right things when facing adversity. The present findings support the process view of wisdom which encompasses three core components: integration, action taken to embody one’s visions for a good life, and the resulting positive effects.


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