  • 期刊


Market Catchment Area Analysis towards Metropolis's Two Airports for City Airport-Pair Flights: A Case of Songshan-Taoyuan Airports




The roles of a metropolis s two airports have changed. Many years ago, due to urban development, airport noise regulation, and traffic congestion, major metropolises built new international airports and transformed existing city airports into domestic airports. But more recently, this pattern of ”one domestic airport, one international airport” for major metropolises has been changed. Their city airport has been redefined as a regional airport, now allows direct flights to other capital city airports, which takes advantage of city airports proximity to the city. As the development of Asia city-to-city airport pair flights, this study focuses on analyzing market catchment area and distribution of a metropolis s two airports for regional city-to-city airport pair flights. This study integrates empirical data of time values in analytical market area approach. Analytical formulations are developed for estimating market area boundaries of a metropolis' two airports (one major international airport, one minor city airport). This study also uses continuous network approach to estimate the catchment area and market size of the city airport for city-to-city airport-pair markets. A case study with airport-pair flights among Taipei Songshan Airport, Tokyo Haneda Airport, and Shanghai Hongqiao Airport was provided to illustrate the results and the application of the proposed models. Market catchment area and market size of Songshan Airport for those Asia city-pair markets was determined. Sensitivity analysis and scenario analysis were also discussed. In addition, it is envisaged that the results of this study not only provide a better understanding on how to estimate market catchment area of a metropolis's two airports but also may shed light on city airport development.


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