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A Study of Publically Participated Local Development Policies within Pluralistic Societies: An Empirical Analysis with Interactive Management


在全球化的過程中,地方發展將面臨多元且龐雜的問題,其規劃行動經常會牽涉到多元社會中公共利益與公眾認知的衝突。由於在民主社會中,地方發展常奠基於地方公私群體的協力與共識凝聚,因此,能否釐清地方公眾的認知差異,進而凝聚共識,也就成為地方發展規劃時所應重視的焦點問題。 高雄當前正由以往依賴重工業逐漸轉型為以服務業為主的都市,兼以面對兩岸於二○○二年加入世界貿易組織成為正式會員與籌辦二○○九世運會,可預見往後高雄所面臨的地方發展情勢必將比今日更具挑戰性。然一直以來高雄地區對於公共議題的理性論述有限,地方發展所面臨到的困境與挑戰少受關注,從而導致民眾對地方發展瞭解不夠且難以形成明確的共識。有鑑於此,本研究即藉由互動管理(interactive management, IM)的實證,歸納出「面臨二○○九年之高雄地方發展」九項競爭策略,並繪製增強結構(enhancement structure)圖,藉以有效釐定地區發展策略並釐清規劃盲點。研究結果發現,雖然高雄地區內部公私群體間對於地方發展策略存有差異,但經由兩回合三階段的互動會議後,公私兩群體間之認知差異已能有效降低。研究結果建議,由於面臨到地區發展資源的日趨匱乏,因此在進行策略性的地區規劃時。唯有凝聚共識與釐清地方發展問題,才能將有限的資源作最有效配置。本文所介紹的方法與成果應可提供有關單位舉辦公共論壇或公民會議相關作法之參考。


In the globalization process, one faces multi-dimensional problems in carrying out globalization plan local development in pluralistic societies, frequently coming up against conflict between public interests and public cognition. In democratic societies, the foundation for local development is based on local public or private partners, and cohesive mutual recognition. It thus becomes the focal point clearing clarifying the difference between local public cognition and cohesive mutual recognition in the local development planning process. Kaohsiung is transforming from a city of heavy industries into one of service industries. After WTO, moreover, Kaohsiung's local development is expected to experience more challenging times. The research focuses on how to integrate the cognition conflicts of local residents and stakeholders into the consensus of local development. We introduce the Interactive Management (IM) technique developed by Warfield. Results of the IM analysis include 9 competitive strategies for Kaohsiung's local development, and an enhancement structure diagram to demonstrate the structure of strategies. In addition, although there appear to be differences of opinion among participants and stakeholders, these can be quite effectively addressed with the IM technique. We provide the IM technique and results of value to relevant agencies.


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