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Fatty Metamorphosis in Hepatoma: Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Histologic Correlation-Case Report





Ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging are good imaging modalities in detecting primary and secondary focal hepatic tumors. Fatty tissue usually produces characteristic features on these images that it can be accurately diagnosed. An echogenic reflection is usually found on sonogram and low attenuation area is presented on CT. MR image is more specific for tissue characterization. The short Ti relaxation time enables Ti weighted image to have higher signal intensity. Though T2 weighted image is sensitive in detecting focal hepatic lesion, it is not specific for differentiating fatty component. A well-encapsulated hepatoma with fatty metamorphosis was originally diagnosed as focal nodular hyperplasia after US, CT and angiographic studies. After four-year follow-up in out-patient department, an operation was done because the tumor mass was getting bigger. The pathology revealed hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with fatty metamorphosis and fat vacuoles were demonstrated in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes. The complete imaging studies including US, CT and MR showed characteristic findings. Comparisons between MR findings and pathology are presented. Fatty degeneration of HCC is a common pathologic feature. If imaging studies (especially MR images) reveal fatty tissue, pseudocapsule and/or vessel invasion, it is reasonable to consider it as hepatoma with fatty metamorphosis.


Liver, CT liver, fatty liver, MR liver, neoplasm liver, US
