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Prevalence and Associated Factors of Findom Use among Women Who have Sex with Women in Taiwan




Objectives: To explore the prevalence of and factors associated with Findom use during vaginal fingering in the previous year among women who have sex with women (WSW) in Taiwan, and to provide empirical data that help inform future educational interventions to improve the sexual health of WSW. Methods: Self-administered survey data from 397 WSW were collected via the Bulletin Board System in several forums frequented by most Taiwanese WSW. WSW who were living in Taiwan and at least 18 years old at the time of the survey, and who had vaginal fingering in previous year, were included in the present study. Results: Only 18.9% of the study participants reported Findom use during vaginal fingering in the previous year. Those who had a monthly income of more than NT$40.000, who had multiple female vaginal fingering partners in the previous year, who believed that Findom use would reduce sexual pleasure and was inconvenient, and who were unfamiliar with its venue for purchase, were less likely to have reported fandom use. Those who perceived greater susceptibility to sexually transmitted infections (STIs) were more likely to have reported Findom use. Forty-three participants (10.8%) had contracted STIs, and bacterial vaginosis was the most common STI, with a prevalence estimate of 5.3%. Of those who had contracted STIs, 44.2% never had sex with men. Conclusions: WSW in Taiwan have often been regarded as a low-risk group for STIs, and hence, their sexual health has often been neglected; however, findings of this study showed that even WSW who never had sex with men were still at risk for STIs. In addition, the sexual practices among WSW are diverse and different from those among gays and heterosexuals. Therefore, as the Taiwan government strives for gender equality, the health of sexual minorities should not be ignored, and related policies are urgently needed to promote gender equality in health.


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Leung, H. L. (2014). 臺灣女同志與異性戀女性子宮頸抹片意圖之差異分析:探討抹片經驗及陽剛氣質之調節作用 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.01531
