  • 期刊


The Peop1eto-People Diplomacy of Bishop Yu-Pin during the Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945)


在中國天主教史中,于斌是一個與政治及外交活動有密切關聯的人物。他與政府密切的關係,在教會內外都引起不少爭議。在蒐集了政府檔案、于斌記事本、與他人來往信件後,我們可以對他這些行爲有比較清楚的了解。 抗戰時于斌對美外交工作,以美國參戰作爲界線,大致可分爲兩個不再時期。在一九四一年美國參戰前,于斌曾兩次訪問歐美;由於美籍傳教士所在區域,爲日軍佔領者已經不少,美籍傳教士對于斌訪美,因而產生了正反不一的意見。一九四一年美國參戰後,中美兩國共同抗日,美國國內的雜音隨即減少。 在教廷方面,首先影響于斌外交工作的是不同教宗的風格。庇護十一默許于斌的愛國行動,庇護十二在德義壓力下,則希望于斌能減少活動,避免造成不必要的刺激。其次影響的因素則爲時局;一九四四年,羅馬爲英美軍隊控制,教廷種種難言之隱盡皆消除,以往希望于斌審慎行事,此後則望其積極努力。而于斌則向來是一以貫之,不因時局而改變態度。 在于斌的努力下,他的國民外交工作有如下之貢獻: 1.歐美各國提供善款,救助中國難民;其中美國在參戰後,更以于斌領導之中國天主教文化協進會爲對口單位,在于斌指揮下,救助難民。 2.改變美國輿論,結交美國友人。這種影響力較難客觀估計,但從其參與的活動,雙方政府重視的程度可略見端倪。 3.促進中梵建交,然後在持續努力下,使教宗考慮選立中圈人爲樞機主教,並改變傳教區爲正式教區。 原則上,不應視于斌爲政治人物,他是天主教的神職人員。協助政府從事國民外交,對他來說,只是善盡國民愛國天職。一位愛國的主教,正是這時期國籍神職人員的模範與寫照。


In the history of the Chinese Catholic Church, Yu-pin is the one deeply related with politics and the foreign affairs. The intimate relationship between Yu-pin and the Government is so sensitive, even arouse the controversy inside and outside the Church. From the Government archives, the journals of Yu-pin and the correspondence between Yu-pin and other people, the life of Yu-pin becomes more and more understandable for us. During the Sino-Japanese War, if we take the date of America joining the war as a watershed, Yu-pin's foreign affairs strategy of America can be divided into two periods. Beforel941, Ye-pin had visited Europe and America twice. Since most of the American missionary locations in China were under the control of Japan at the time, so the American attitude toward the visitation of Yu-pin is both positive and negative. After 1941, America and China cooperated in fighting against Japan. The opposition to Yu-pin within the American became diminishing. Regarding the Vatican, popes reacted diversely to the foreign activities of Yu-pin. Pius XI assented in silence to Yu-pin's patriotic attitude. Pius XII, under the pressure of Germany and Italy, advised Yu-pin stop his foreign activities in order to avoid the unnecessary stimulation. Besides the attitudes of the popes, the contemporary situation is another important element we need to take due note of. In 1944, Rome fell under the control of British and American Army. Instead of the discreet attitude before, Vatican, sweeping away all the hesitation, fully encouraged Yu-pin's foreign activity effort. However, no matter how different the attitudes of the popes were and how tremendous the situation changed, Yu-pin followed his own principle as usual. The followings are the foreign affairs contribution of Yu-pin: 1. To assist the European and American countries providing financial support for the Chinese refugees. Especially, after the US joined the World War, the American directly rescued the refugees with the Chinese Catholic Culture Association that is led by Yu-pin. 2. Yu-pin established some kind of affinity with the Americans that influenced the public opinion in the US. Although this kind of impact is difficult to assess, from the activities Yu-pin participated and his importance in both governments, the influence of Yu-pin is not allowed to be underestimated. 3. Yu-pin provided a great help in developing Sino-Vatican relationship. Under his continuing effort, the popes considered naming Chinese Cardinal, and all vicariates became dioceses. It is not appropriate to view Yu-pin as a politician. For facts and figures, he is a clergy. For him, collaborating with the government foreign affairs is the duty of a citizen. As a bishop filled with patriotism, Yu-pin is the brilliant example of the Chinese clergy at the times of crisis.


李偉誠(2009)。A Tale of Two World: 台灣基督長老教會與戰後台灣民族主義〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6843/NTHU.2009.00479
