  • 期刊


Principle, Policy and Incident: Observing the Three Aspects in the Sino-Vatican Diplomatic Relationship


如果將歷史工作者當成一個觀察者,由於他所站的位置不同,他所觀察到的歷史也有不同的面貌。如果離「歷史」很近,歷史土作者比較容易細數其變化,若是遠一些,看到的影是整體,或是整體的一部。因此知名歷史學者布勞岱爾(Fernand Braudel)就將歷史分成了三個不同的層次:長時段(long duration)、中時段和短時段。以外交史的研究言,其實無法完全符合布勞岱爾的定義,因爲變化太快,充其量僅在中時段的範圍內。因此本文並未嚴謹遵守布勞岱爾的定義,僅係借用其概念。 一般人很容易套用世俗國家問的外交原則來觀察中梵外交關係,但決定中梵外交關係的最主要關鍵不是世俗利益,而是宗教關係。根據這種宗教發展的需求,產生了一些在邏輯上並不完全一致的原則,這些原則才是決定中梵外交關係的最主要因素。由這些原則出發,不同時期的教宗,在不同的世局變化下,發展出其個別的政策。而每一個個別事件,都可以放在這些原則及政策中檢驗,當然這些個別事件,除了符合原則及政策外,也不乏偶然的脫序事件。 經由原、政策及事件來觀察中梵外交關係,或有可能讓我們觀察的更清楚,不僅能看到歷史的細微變化,同時也可以看到中梵外交關係的宏觀脈絡。


If a historian is regarded as an observer, the history observed tends to appear different due to the various positions the historian stands. By observing the history closely, a historian is able to distinguish fine changes in the history, whilst observing the history from afar, a more global view or part of the global view can be obtained. As a result, the well-known historian, Fernand Braudel defines the history into three different aspects: long duration, medium duration and short duration. However, Fernand Braudel's definition can not be applied to the study of diplomatic history because the changes in the history merely occurred within the medium duration at an extremely rapid pace. Therefore this article does not strictly follow Fernand Braudel's definition, but only adopts his concept as a guide. Quite easily people tend to apply the common diplomatic principles to observe the Sino-Vatican diplomatic relationship. However the key factor that determines the Sino-Vatican diplomatic relationship is not the common benefit, but the religious connection. Due to the demand for such religious development, the principles which do not totally comply to the logic are formed. These principles become the key factors that determine the Sino-Vatican diplomatic relationship. By following these principles, pops of different time-period manage to come up with distinct policies in a world that is filled with constant changes. Thus each individual incident can be examined according to these principles however, among these incidents there also exists occasional cases that do not follow these principles and policies. By following these principles, policies and incidents, we may be able to observe the Sino-Vatican diplomatic relationship in a clearer context, so that not only can we detect the fine changes in the history, but at the same time we can also perceive the long-term potential in the Sino-Vatican diplomatic relationship.


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