  • 期刊


Development of Brand Love Scale of Professional Sport Fans




Purpose: Base on the brand love concept of Batra, Ahuvia, and Bagozzi (2012), this study aims to analyze the elements of brand love of professional sport fans, as well as develop the scale with reliability and validity. Methods: There were three phases in this study. The first phase was collecting qualitative data by interviewed 11 CPBL fans, and extracting the factors of brand love by coding of grounded theory. Second, modified delphi method was used to edit the scale. The final phase was delivering questionnaires targeting on-site spectators of CPBL. Item-analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, second-order confirmatory factor analysis, discriminant validity, criterion-related validity and cross-validation were used for scale testing. Results: Scale of professional sports fans' brand love has good reliability and validity. It was composed of "passionate participation", "willingness to invest resources", "self-identity", "memory made", "positive emotion", "negative emotion", and "long-term relationship", included 23 items. Conclusion: There was a difference between professional sport fans and general consumers. It showed that brand love has specificity because of product type. This scale not only could be the instrument for future study, but also applied in practical to make marketing strategies for professional sport teams.


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