  • 期刊


Applying Music Program to Assist the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Exercise on Ventilator- Dependent Patients




Pulmonary rehabilitation exercise can reduce muscle atrophy, increase muscle endurance, help ventilator detachment, and shorten the number of hospital days for those long-term bedridden patients. Rehabilitation exercise was not completely given to some of the patients. We were motivated to improve this situation. We found that the completion rate of the rehabilitation exercise among ventilator- dependent patients was only 72.2%, and the accuracy rate of nurses' knowledge was 76.7%. We found the insufficiency knowledge about chest rehabilitation exercise, lack of guidelines and aids for the rehabilitation exercise. After rehabilitation exercise along with rhythm and in-service education programs with multiple teaching were implemented. The completion rate of the rehabilitation exercise has increased up to 96.4% (↑24.2%), and the satisfactory rate of giving rehabilitation guidance to caregivers by nurses has improved from 65.7% to 88.2 (↑27.2%). The aim of this project is reached and the quality of care for ventilator depend patients is improved.


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