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A Validation Study of the Chinese Version of the Athens Insomnia Scale



前言:本研究目的為建立中文版雅典失眠量表Chinese version of the Athens Insomnia Scale(CAIS)之信效度,並提供篩檢失眠症之最佳切分點。研究方法:本研究共取283位樣本,其中65人為醫學中心精神科門診病人,另外218人無精神科疾病。使用中文版Insomnia Self-assessment Inventory(ISAI)作為外部效度評估工具。失眠症的診斷乃依據ICD-10之診斷準則。結果:CAIS-8(原問卷第1-8題)及CAIS-5(原問卷第1-5題),內部一致性信度係數高達0.82-0.84,再測可信度為0.84-0.86,與ISAI的相關係數是0.72-0.76。CAIS-8的因素分析結果呈現2個因素,分別為1-5題(夜間症狀)及6-8題(日間症狀)。CAIS-8用於失眠症之篩檢,最適合的切分點是8分,CAIS-5則為5分。結論:無論是CAIS-8或CAIS-5皆有良好之信效度,適合選用為快速篩檢失眠症的問卷。


失眠 篩檢 問卷 睡眠障礙


Objectives: To establish the validity of the Chinese version of the Athens Insomnia Scale (CAIS) and the diagnostic cutoff scores for insomnia. Methods: Two hundred and eighty-three subjects, consisting of 65 psychiatric outpatients and 218 non-clinical samples, completed the CAIS. The ICD-10 ”nonorganic insomnia” was the diagnostic standard of insomnia, and the Insomnia Self-assessment Inventory (ISAI) was used as the external validator. Both the 8-item scale (CAIS-8) and the brief version containing the first 5 items (CAIS-5) were analyzed. Results: In both versions, the Cronbach's α of internal consistency reached 0.82-0.84. Correlation coefficients of test-retest reliability were 0.84-0.86. The correlation coefficients between the CAIS and ISAI were 0.72-0.76. The CAIS-8 demonstrated two components in factor analysis: items 1 to 5 (nighttime symptoms) and items 6 to 8 (daytime symptoms). The suggested cutoff points for insomnia among this ethnic Chinese population are 8 for the CAIS-8 (AUC=0.89, p<0.01) and 5 for the CAIS-5 (AUC=0.90, p<0.01), respectively. Conclusion: The CAIS-8 and CAIS-5 are fair tools in screening and making insomnia diagnoses in clinical practice, and have satisfactory reliability and validity.


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