  • 期刊


The Impact of Nurse Managers' Justice on Staff Nurses' Job Satisfaction and Job Performance


護理人員在醫療體系中其角色與功能影響醫療品質甚鉅,但在消費者意識高漲、評鑑壓力及總額限制下,造成護理人員工作士氣低落,影響病人照顧品質及工作效率,所以管理者應該選擇適切的激勵理論與技巧,來激勵護理人員的工作動機及士氣,提高工作滿意度、工作績效。本文旨在探討護理主管的組織公平與護理人員工作滿足及工作績效之相關性,以作為護理主管管理上之參考。以結構式問卷採橫斷式調查,研究樣本為中南區區域聯盟的護理人員,以分層隨機取樣,回收有效樣本462份。用SPSS for Window 12.0軟體進行資料的統計與分析。結果顯示護理主管的組織公平與護理人員的工作滿足及工作績效均為正相關,護理主管的互動公平與護理人員內在滿足皆能顯著預測護理人員的工作績效。故護理主管在管理上應符合公平原則,以提振護理人員工作士氣,進而提升護理照顧的品質,增加醫院之競爭優勢。


Nurses play vital functional roles in the quality of health care. However, rising consumer-entered awareness, inposed pressure from healthcare accredential surveys, and cost-limited budget attribute to low work morale for nurses, further impacting patient care quality and work efficiency. Therefore, nurse managers should select proper theories and strategies to inspire their staff nurses' work motivation and morale, further promote their job satisfaction and job performance. This research study probed the correlation between nurse managers' justice and staff nurses' job satisfaction and job performance. The study design was a cross-sectional structured questionnaire survey. The study's participants were the nurses of the Central Southern Region Coalition. The samples were collected using stratified random sampling. 462 valid questionnaires were returned. These data were analyzed with a SPSS for Window 12.0 software. The results revealed a positive correlation between nurse managers' justice and staff nurses' job satisfaction and job performance. Both nurse managers' justified interactions and staff nurses' intrinsic satisfaction can significantly predict their job performance. Therefore, nurse managers should follow the justice principle in managing the staff nurses to raise their work morale and promote quality nursing care, further strengthen the hospital's competitivity in the market.


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