  • 期刊


Sexual Knowledge, Education and Needs among Taoyuan Junior High Students


研究目的為調查桃園縣國中生性知識與性教育需求。 研究方法是對桃園縣國中採多階段集束比例抽樣,得到一有代表性樣本後,再用具信效度之問卷,請學生自填問卷,且不記名。 在2005年9-10月間共回收964份(95.6%)有效問卷。桃園縣國中生性知識平均答對比例44.2%,避孕及懷孕的題目答對比例偏低。與性知識的五個子量表或總分有顯著意義的變數有年級、性別、排名與母親管教方式。年級是依年級增加、答對比例增加。女生得分高於男生。排名愈前面,答對比例愈高。母親管教方式以自由放任型、開明權威型得分高於專制權威型及忽略冷漠型。國中生在性知識的來源,以老師、學校為主。在性課程需求最高為兩性交往,其次為性疑問求助的管道。 研究結論為國中生的性知識仍偏低。與性知識有顯著意義的變數中,有年級、性別、排名與母親管教方式。在性課程需求最高為兩性交往,其次為性方面協助的管道。由於我國實施9年義務教育,建議在國中生畢業前教授完整在教育,有可能的話,納入正式課程,推薦學生與性知識有關的網站,提供諮商或接受繼續性知識教育的管道。母視管教方式為國中生性知識高低的重要影響、且屬可改變的因素,是衛生教育未來可著力的地方。


性知識 性教育需求 國中生


Aims: is to study the need for sexual knowledge and education among junior high students in Taoyuan county. Method of the study multi-stage cluster proportional sampling was performed and an anonymous questionnaire was given out. Results information from a total of 964 students were collected with a response rate of 95.6% during September-October, 2005. The overall percentage of correct responses in regards to sexual knowledge was 44.2%, with a particularly low score in questions about contraceptive methods, and pregnancy. The factors in relation to the correctness of sexual knowledge were: school year, gender, academic ranking, and how mothers raise their kids. Students with a higher school year tended to have a better sexual knowledge; female students tended to have higher correct rate than male students; student who ranked in the top tended to have higher correct rate than those who ranked at the end; parents who used a free style of raising their kids (low expectation from her kids, and let her kids made decision), and open-minded style (high expectation from her kids, and respect their kids' decision) had higher correct rate than the rest. Students sexual knowledge was mainly derived from teachers and schools. In regards to the need of sexual education, knowledge about making or getting along with boy/girl friends was the highest in demand amongst students, followed by where students can get help towards sexual issues. Conclusions and suggestion: the overall knowledge about sex was still very limited among junior high students. School grades, gender, academic ranking. and how mothers raise their kids were important factors related to sexual knowledge. Students were mainly interested in how to get slung with boy/girl friends, as well as where to seek help regarding sexual issues. Sexual education should be included in the curriculum and given before grade 9 slur to our 9 year compulsory education. Websites providing correct sexual knowledge and where to get help about sex issues should be provided to junior high students as well. In addition, students' mother should be an important person to work with in promoting health education.


