  • 期刊


Wheelchair Usage and Checkout Survey of Long-term Disabled Clients




輔具 身心障礙 輪椅


Purposes: To survey the current usage of wheelchair in the long-term disabled in Taiwan. Methods: A checkout evaluation form of wheelchair was designed based on expert meetings and pilot trials. The clients in this survey was a convenience sample recruited from subjects in the National Survey of The Usage of Assistive Devices. A total of 143 checkout evaluation forms were completed by 58 physical therapists and 18 occupational therapists. Results: The long-term disabled clients has age of 75±10.5 years, were mostly women (58.2%), and physically disabled (76.4%). Approximately 86% of the wheelchairs were purchased by the clients themselves, only 14.1% had been consulted before purchasing. Seventy-nine percent of the wheelchairs were standard type and 21% were custom-made. Twenty-three percent of the clients had some complications, such as spinal deformities (78.1%) and pressure sore (28.1%). Furthermore, about 51.1% clients were found to have anterior or posterior tilted pelvis, and 53.6% had poor sitting balance. Some problems with the wheelchair brakes (15.0%), deflated or badly deteriorated tires (14.7%), damaged foot rests (7.0%), inappropriately fitted arm rests or foot rests (10%) were found in the survey. The accessories that therapists most recommended were such as back pads (8.4%), seating cushions (7.7%), and pelvic belts (7.7%). Regarding the difficulties in the environment domain, 62.6% of the clients did not know how to maintain their wheelchairs, which were significantly different between the users of standard type users (67.0%) and the custom-made ones (46.7%). Other major problems the user reported were difficulties in taking personal or public transportations (59%), and difficulties with indoor mobility (54.7%). Conclusions: This survey revealed high prevalence of wheelchair users with complications and poor postures in the long-term disabled. Damages to the wheelchairs and poor accessibility indoors or outdoors were also found. A small portion of the wheelchair users may benefit from regular check ups, minor fixing, and of the accessory prescription. This survey demonstrated the importance of follow-up service from professionals for long-term wheelchair users to identify user or device problems. Furthermore, the awareness of environmental barriers should be promoted to increase accessibility of wheelchair users in the society.


Assistive devices Disability Wheelchair


