  • 期刊


Rethinking the Relationship between Sports and Ethnicity


運動對於少數民族有利的信念長久以來已經廣為社會大眾所深信,使得我們不願意去重新思考族群與運動的關係,以及在運動領域中那些不公平和不合理的現狀。然而,正如Hartmann 用雙面刃的隱喻來指涉運動的兩面性,運動對於少數民族來說其實代表了兩種極端對立的力量。一方面,它蘊含了(不論是對於個人或整個少數民族而言)正面積極的意涵和生存機會;另一方面卻也再生產了不平等的現狀和種族意識型態。因此,本文提出另一種架構來重新思考運動與族群間的關係。亦即以運動社會學的觀點切入,聚焦於少數民族的社會經濟地位如何形塑他們的運動參與,藉由將運動與族群的探討重 新置於所處的社會脈絡中,揭露那些超越個人層次之外的社會力是如何在運動領域中影響少數民族的運動參與和生命經驗。


少數民族 社會學 社會流動


There have been widespread popular beliefs in sports' positive and progressive role in struggles for racial justice. It is thus hard to think about the relationship between sports and ethnicity or the absurd situation and inequality existing in sports. Therefore, Hartmann used the metaphor ”double edged sword” to indicate the juxtaposition of these two rather radically opposing alternatives to sports. Although the complex and often contradictory racial dynamics of sports sometimes have a positive meaning for both the individual and the whole racial minority group. Meanwhile, they also reinforce and reproduce images and ideologies that are thoroughly racialized. Therefore, in combination with the sociological view of sports, this article proposes a new way to construct a framework for rethinking the complicated and consequential relationships between ethnicity and sports in the social context they must be situated. Finally, this paper reveals how the social force beyond the individual level of consciousness affects the sports involvement and life experience of the racial minority group.


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